Submitted by Dude-Man120 t3_z83mo5 in gaming

I don’t really understand why people genuinely disliked this game. I’ve replayed it a few times and I got it at launch. I’ve enjoyed every minute of it even when I replayed it. I’m not sure why people have a strong dislike for this game considering the gameplay is very fun and the guns are awesome to shoot. The story is alright but the gameplay definitely is very good. The graphics are top notch as well. I’m just really confused and would like to know why a lot of people hated it



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SmittyManJensen_ t1_iy9pmlf wrote

From the minute I started playing it felt like a downgrade from Wildlands in every way. Graphics, world vibrancy, shoving microtransactions in your face before you even get your feet wet, gunplay. Game was hot garbage. Maybe it’s gotten better since, but I’ve regretted my purchase ever since and will not play that shit anymore.


ZazaB00 t1_iyawc2m wrote

I picked it up well after launch, they did eventually make an alternative mode/story that makes the game very similar to Wildlands. So, you can choose to have the loot grind gone and play the original story or play a region based, take on the head dude style story, but without all the production values.

I had fun, but I couldn’t find myself interested enough to finish either games or story modes, Wildlands or Breakpoint.


PmMeYourLore t1_iy9k7ou wrote

I recently got it with my British Xbox buddy after we beat Wildlands. I miss sniping guys throwing grenades, and having them explode on the ground, I miss accurate shot counts and it not taking too long to register that the guy is dead, I miss not flinging myself around every time I change directions, I miss the vehicles (and character, again) being decent to control, and since I haven't played since launch I do really like that they got rid of that borderlands style weapon acquisition. However the severe lack is the drip. There's nothing that looks good without paying out the wazoo, and all of the equipment is very regulation. I get that we went from a cartel to a PMC but still. You figure a place as advanced as that would give us some pretty neat gear.

That being said Breakpoint really drives its own point home and this new flavor is very digestible. I'm still having fun saving my boy from the heavies lmao and some of the tech is really cool, like the big turret truck we found last night.

Important thing is it's still Ghost Recon, and doesn't feel stale after all these years, so I'll enjoy picking this place apart now that I have it again.


i_have_slimy_hands t1_iy9oeef wrote

As a fan of classic ghost recon games, I'm not sure why anyone plays these farcry clones at all. Far cry already did the sandbox gameplay better, and classic ghost recon did the tactical shooting better, so I'm not sure why they decided to take the series in this direction at all. It has become incredibly generic.


waflikky t1_iya7dsh wrote

You are sure why you just pretend for sake of argument.

Shit's hot right now so it sells.


i_have_slimy_hands t1_iyc4pz6 wrote

Not pretending sadly. A lot of good ubisoft titles have had their identity stripped recently. Apparently gamers really hate anything that isn't a ubisoft sandbox, as anything that challenges them or forces them to concentrate just doesn't sell anymore. We are to blame for this lack of creativity in triple-A gaming


drondizzle t1_iy9p0fh wrote

Agreed. It's a very fun game, very open and big, can do whatever you want, in any way.


MJRL1727 t1_iy9ttzu wrote

For me it’s the multiplayer, had endless hours of fun on wildlands multiplayer. Breakpoint multiplayer just felt off. It’s hard to explain but it just didn’t quite ever feel right to me.


ZazaB00 t1_iyaw1aj wrote

Move to always online, loot based grind, and throw in some mtx for good measure. Great way to piss off a fanbase used to none of those things.


JabiDam t1_iydtjb9 wrote

One word. Drones