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SolidZealousideal115 t1_iyan8wa wrote

What games have you made?


CrypticXSystem OP t1_iyaqlp1 wrote

(Keep in mind none of these games are industry level, just some personal projects and games hoping to get a few interests and players, I by no means consider myself a professional. I actually enjoy making physics and mathimatical games and simulations.)

I have tried a few different game stratigies. One based on music and compition, like roast/rap/singing/vocal compititions. But that was way too ambitiose considering that I had no popularity. I made one on a simple child and family friendly game, the theme was halloween. Bassically hide and seek from a ghost and hunters and seekers have perks to help them. Hunters/ghost's have different ghosts with different perks they can select. Another game is based on telekinetic powers, curently working on it actually so I am not sure yet. Another one was based on a death run from a mad scientist, you try to escaped his labratory from a bunch a traps his minion (a player) will set off to try and kill everyone. And a game based on Legends of chima, was never finnished. I think that is pretty much all. The personal projects or missles and proportional navigation, particle simulation and gravity, machine learning and nueral networks. I ahve been wanting to make a game where you build hardware and computers form scratch, like minecraft. I don't think I ahve the experience yet sadly. And I am afraid no one will play.
