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jokergrin t1_iyaqd53 wrote

A remake of Stranglehold. Rather simple in it's execution, but good solid fun with EXTREMELY destructible environments, cinematic quality sound and visuals.

To me, the way the gunplay FEELS is the most important factor. I think besides Stranglehold, Killing Floor 2 and Max Payne 3 are perfect examples of this. The gameplay loop can be simple, even repetitive, but if the act itself is fun, it can entertain for a long, long time

Don't give up, OP. All the very best to you


CrypticXSystem OP t1_iyare17 wrote

> All the very best to you


Destructable environments had never come to mind. Thnaks for the idea! I agree that the way a game feels is really important. I have been struggling to make high quality good feeling effects and machenics. Considering that I am only a scripter/programmer. It is hard to do everything solo. But I will get there eventually!