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ijustghostedmyfriend t1_iyas7tm wrote

Dude your 14. Of course you haven't put out a succsessful game unless it's on roblox. Succsessful games usually require lots of time, money, (and also advertising which falls under money). At 14 you have zero time in the world, being in middle/high school. You can't just make a game and expect it to be an overnight hit. Those games that do require lots of money. And trust me, I'm almost 15 and I question some of the choices I made at 14. Your brain at 14 is still young and you won't see all the flaws your game might have. Take this as advice: your 14


CrypticXSystem OP t1_iyat87n wrote

Like I said, these are jsut some personal games or projects I am trying to make to make a few people interested. By succsessful I don't mean industry level or money flowing in. I just want some recognition. Weather the platform is steam, epic games, or even roblox. Money is not the issue, and just becuase I am 14 does not mean I can't start, I understand I have a limit. But I am not trying to make any top tier games.


Edit: Oh yeah, how did you know i was 14?!?!?! Did you look at my other posts!??!