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dun-ado t1_j2f5ehl wrote

Elden Ring.


hail_goku t1_j2fg38b wrote

Nah. No story at all.


mikezenox t1_j2fjdya wrote

First of all, that's objectively incorrect. Secondly, some people might not care to have a story spoonfed to them, and appreciate more ambiguous story telling methods. I mean I love games like death stranding and rdr2 but I liked elden ring better.


hail_goku t1_j2fnvql wrote

He asked which game is better. A game where 80% of the players are having no clue whats going on, simply can not be better than the witcher 3. period.


mikezenox t1_j2foehy wrote

I mean having an opinion is one thing, but making up statistics and irrelevant value systems to make your opinion sound more correct is just goofy my guy.


whoismrgreen t1_j2f5c5e wrote

Fallout new Vegas. Even though I enjoy fallout 3 more, NV is a better game. Also, dark souls 3.


Yo_Wats_Good t1_j2f7rhb wrote

I feel like Dragon Age Inquisition is fairly similar, with some more RPGness in storylines and I recall having more fun with the combat but its been a minute.

Its open-world light, has some big zones but isn't completely open like W3.


HubblePie t1_j2fhbhi wrote

This is a very subjective question.


Mr_Ear t1_j2f6yqx wrote

More games need to have melee, ranged weapons and magic.


linkwise t1_j2f8o39 wrote

Remember, despite what people recommend here, it is likely some games are not your cup of tea and it is perfectly fine if you don't enjoy it/like it. These are their opinions, you can form yours too.


Otherwise-Passage169 t1_j2f8oou wrote

Not many if you are into slower RPG games, if you like faster games there are a good few better than that


1mStillStanding t1_j2fs9py wrote

I find there are plenty of games that are better and not because they are similar.


hamm10108 t1_j2fa61q wrote

I don’t have enough time to list them…


WorldsBiggestNarcist t1_j2f6na7 wrote

Yoshi's Woolly World


Entropy Zero Two

Yoshi's Island


Dishonored 2

Half Life 2

Half Life

Zelda BOTW

Sonic 3 AIR

I could keep going if you want


Graveylock t1_j2f6xmu wrote

Deathloop? Did you just start playing video games?


WorldsBiggestNarcist t1_j2f73l1 wrote

No, but Deathloop is better


Otherwise-Passage169 t1_j2f8xdt wrote

You clearly have never played a game before


PhatPhire15MM t1_j2f7jul wrote

Zelda BOTW was potentially one of the worst games I’ve ever been conned into playing.

People will downvote this but it’s so shit. Not fun, boring story (just travelling between towers and endlessly climbing an empty green field???).

Witcher 3 is easily one of the top games of all time (id rate uncharted 4 as the best game of all time).


Otherwise-Passage169 t1_j2f8w0d wrote

I will give you credit, the gameplay loop and story get old pretty quick, but it’s a short enough game it doesn’t really matter, it’s fun for a few hours and that’s all it takes to beat it, I do hope the sequel is better though


SgtMajVines t1_j2fjlhn wrote

I wouldn’t consider it one of the worst but your opinion holds some weight. Weapons breaking too easily, a world that at times can feel empty. I lost interest faster than I thought I would. But I do enjoy it and feel it deserves the praise it gets and also deserves the criticism


NackJickolson t1_j2fk9x9 wrote

I can't stand the weapon babysitting in that. Always breaking.


I_Am_Nomad t1_j2f7urx wrote


Metal Gear Solid V ( both)

Super Mario 64

Grand Theft Auto V

God of War: Radnarok

Sniper Elite 4

Zelda: Breath of the Wild

Lots more…


nftvaccine t1_j2fb7bl wrote

No game made by from software I can tell you that.


Vasevide t1_j2f91vd wrote

Every fromsoft game
