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B4LLINandC4NTgetUP t1_j233lbk wrote

Oh boy I love the world trade centre, what a sight to behold


IJUSTATEPOOP OP t1_j233wqa wrote

I love being able to basically just waltz onto an airplane with minimal security checkpoints and fly across the country, I sure hope someone doesn't fly a plane into the twin towers and ruin it for us


Hour_Mango5904 t1_j24amga wrote

I’m a time traveler from the future you knew too much


GiraffeGuru993 t1_j2589zf wrote

shoots I’m a time traveler from the further future. Tell everyone you want, bush wont do anything. Also it’ll give us a bunch of funny jokes


bastardoperator t1_j25dffx wrote

Before 9/11 I boarded a plane at 19 with two huge bags of weed that I could smell the entire time. I was also 6 when nintendo hit, my infatuation with video games has never stopped.


Camera_dude t1_j27ahus wrote

When I was a kid, I packed my NES to take with me on a vacation… including the “Duck Hunt” light gun. My bag got scanned by the airport security, and the officer opened my bag, took a look at my light gun, snorted and put it back.

Today, that would have gotten me an express ride to Guantánamo Bay.