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Chepstin t1_j2e5lh0 wrote

It's really odd.

Especially as BOTW is one of the least innovative games of all time.

It literally did nothing new, it didn't push any boundaries or change anything up.

Nintendo just threw a Zelda skin on another generic and bland empty open world.


AmericanLich t1_j2e74qt wrote

It’s one of the emptiest as well. There is an interactive map online with everything in the game. If you take out all markers except main quests and side quests, it’s pretty staggering how little there is in the game. Shrines were super basic mini games, a huge chunk of them were copy pasted combat challenges.

The little details were great, but you can’t make a game out of just little details, we need some beef. A lot of people found the physics playground aspect of it to be interesting, but as someone who grew up playing video games it wasn’t a particularly novel thing to me. These peoples minds would melt at everything you could do in gmod.

What made me really sad is it’s dripping with unrealized potential. I’m looking forward to the sequel because the first game was clearly unfinished, and now they have a chance to slap some meat on that skeleton and really bring us something good. Not that it matters, it’s Nintendo so it’ll be sucked off until the end of time regardless.


KleitosD06 t1_j2e6oue wrote

We've really reached the "bland and generic" part of the cycle huh?


Chepstin t1_j2e6u73 wrote

BOTW was bland and generic from day 1.
