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PrescientPotato t1_j2egwdt wrote

>Lifesteal and her gargantuan damage make blocking and hit-trading completely invalid playstyles.

Tell me you haven't tried it without telling me. Everyone is parroting this but it's not true at all. You're able to outdamage her healing by huge margin even if you literally hold shield down 100% of the time. You don't have to roll even once in that encounter

The only purpose of her healing mechanic is to punish estus chuggers who don't even try learning her moveset and just tank the damage.


I can't really think of any build she would invalidate, at least not more than any other boss. INT/caster builds can destroy her with Night Comet, Faith builds with Lightning Spear and the Frost Breath, Arcane with Bleed, especially Rivers of Blood.

And then there are "cheese strats" like Frost Bombs, Sword of Milos, poking from behind a greatshield, poise-breaking WA like Flames of the Redmane, parrying


[deleted] OP t1_j2ehzom wrote



PrescientPotato t1_j2ej29n wrote

Armor doesn't really matter and there's like a dozen shields that would work for this strategy.

It's a RPG game, you're supposed to adjust your build for the challenges you're facing. There's a respec mechanic and by the time you reach her you can have at least 6 fully upgraded weapons if you need variety of tools. If you've played for long enough to reach her you should be able to understand game's mechanics and use them to your benefit.