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munitionchipsintoys t1_j2bza58 wrote



pixl_023 t1_j2c1nbe wrote

The game may not be the very best in story, but the game is constantly updated with service maintenance and special events too. While it may look "pay to win", it isn't as most paid items are decor. You are also given multiple opportunities during events and goals in the game where you can earn the in game currency (atoms) that allows you to freely purchase the paid content. Also the community is nice and and pretty connected so if you'd need help, a majority of people are willing. Despite the crap the game got early on, it's actually very fun.


Treviathan88 t1_j2bzkrk wrote

I loved it when I played it. It caught a bad rap because of a flopped launch. But just like Cyberpunk, it recovered and became great. Lots of microtransactions though. That does suck.


AbroxStrife t1_j2by69z wrote

I don't see when it part of PS Plus why you shouldn't at least try.


NotTheLips t1_j2c0i2m wrote

It depends on your expectations and your experience with Fallout up to this point.

If you're expecting an experience as deep and wide as Fallout 4, no.

If you enjoy a shorter game, but one that has grindy end-game content (like, if you enjoy grinding for loot / gear), you might get a lot of mileage out of it.

Story content is short, and it's not bad. To really "get your money's worth" out of it, you'll want to be the type of player who likes to do dailies, or repetitive "raid" type content.


pizzaplate24 t1_j2c2jf4 wrote

Good insight. Is the game actually beatable, though, or is it just continuous play and trophy hunting? To clarify -- does it actually have an end, like Fallout 4 or most other games?


AuldSparra t1_j2dcfsy wrote

All of the major stories have ends. Original quest has you uncovering what happened to your Overseer. Wastelanders has you eventually raid a vault of gold bullion with either the raiders or settlers. Steel Reign has you fighting alongside the Brotherhood of Steel until you have to make a choice about the future of Appalachia's Brotherhood chapter.


NotTheLips t1_j2dpet4 wrote

All the story missions and side missions have endings. There's around 20ish hours of story content. Once you've exhausted all of those, then it's up to you if you want to keep playing end-game content which is, as mentioned, repetitive grindy stuff for better gear / character stats.


Imma_eat_some_kids t1_j2c3a8d wrote

As someone who played since release I would yes but be wary of glitches that stop the loading screens from loading the and having to delete the game sometimes.