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dumbbfellow t1_j2c2c8y wrote

This is why multi-player games often include ranking systems. My recommendation is that you start playing ranked so that you are matchmaking with people who out as much effort/skill into the game as you do.

If you play random or casual games you are obviously going to get a lot of people who aren't skilled or aren't trying. Some people like hopping on a game and not caring or goofing off, we all enjoy ourselves differently


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c2v58 wrote

I know, I said that not many games I play have it. Its because I prefer more realistic games than arcade ones (they focus on balancing less). However, it doesn't seem to matter how serious the game is.


dumbbfellow t1_j2c3ixl wrote

What type of games are you referring to?


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c45t6 wrote

Oh sorry, I meant more realistic FPS games. Not popular "realistic" ones like Escape from Tarkov or something (they just feel realistic), but kinda milsim ones.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c49a3 wrote

Although a few games I play aren't very realistic but I don't play them as much.