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Null-Ex3 t1_j2cp1bi wrote

Depends on the game your playing ig. Idk this dosent happen alot for me. Even people who are really bad at video games typically dont just stand there while their teammates get gunned down. Trolling i get but this level of incompetence isnt very common from what i can tell


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2csok0 wrote

Okay, what team games do you not see much incompetence? Because its so annoying to constantly deal with, I even have to threaten them to play as a team..


Null-Ex3 t1_j2cvugl wrote

Idk rainbow 6. Sure people suck (me) but we try and work as a team sure, you have the odd player who decides to snipe you in the head with a shotgun before the round starts but than you can just shoot them next round and it dosent happen all that often. Or valorant, i have only been trolled once in that game and most of the time we have some sort of coordination. Idk what games your playing to consistently find awful teamates