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NaughtyyDoggo t1_j2c1mk9 wrote

Because they are average, every day people just gaming with what little time they get. Not everyone has the luxury of playing regularly. Most people don’t even take games seriously, they just want to unwind.


DefiantDeviantArt t1_j2c2rls wrote

Precisely my case. I get to play just about 60-80 mins a day and I'm not like super good with my game.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c3yoa wrote

That's okay, I don't think that's an issue. I just wish more people would be more mindful as a team. Most people are capable of doing that without feeling stressed.


CedrikAtReddit t1_j2cxjg3 wrote

Disagree, depending on the complexity of the game there are many little things you need to keep in mind, sure a single thing won't stress most people out but doing all of them at the same time can quickly become stressing.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c3vz6 wrote

I understand that not many play regularly, but I don't care about skill. I just mean putting at least a bit of effort in as a team player and trying not to fuck over others from negligence.


RockAndStone69 t1_j2ct55t wrote

You need skill for that.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2czoo2 wrote

Not really, all you need to do is just be mindful of actions you understand and try to help your team.


RockAndStone69 t1_j2d03ea wrote

Everybody is doing that. But when you are not familiar with the map, you don't know where to expect enemies and you get into a duel unprepared or insta HS. Unskilled players find out how to counter it after some rounds. Then some players get nervous from loosing and change positions. Then unskilled players have to learn new positions.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c1y7v wrote

I don't want people to treat games too seriously, I want common sense to be common sense.. Its rather hard to have fun in team-based video games when your team makes you or only a few people do all the work.


NaughtyyDoggo t1_j2c2bnv wrote

You asked the question; if someone spends more time playing a game, they will be better at it. Most people don’t have much time to allocate to their hobby (the average gamer these days). So that means the average teammate will not be as good as you want them to be.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c32yo wrote

Okay? I obviously asked it, I don't understand the point you're trying to make about that.

However, skill isn't necessary to try to be a good teammate. Just think about common sense as best as you can and try putting some effort in. I do in games I'm new to.


NaughtyyDoggo t1_j2c47oj wrote

It’s because you don’t like the answers you are hearing. People don’t play as much as you, it’s that simple. Even if you are playing a new video game, you have prior experience on other games, and average people lack that prior experience.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c4gji wrote

I don't care whether I like the answers or not. I can't control what people say lol

Also, I said this to address that point:
"However, skill isn't necessary to try to be a good teammate. Just think about common sense as best as you can and try putting some effort in. I do in games I'm new to."

If I can do it in games I'm completely a noob at, why can't they? Lol


NaughtyyDoggo t1_j2c4zok wrote

Like a said 2-3 times already, you may be a new player to a certain game, but based on all the games you’ve played in the past you have a certain amount of “game sense” / experience. Average people have not played many games. So they lack that game sense/ awareness.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c5xwg wrote

You haven't read what I said properly then. I'm saying that not enough effort in team games is what annoys me, not losing. Losing in a fun match or one with teammates trying to play as a team is fine. Also losing constantly could be annoying, but this is about playing as a team instead.


NaughtyyDoggo t1_j2c69ae wrote

Dude stfu lmao. Probably a trash can yourself at any game you play. If people aren’t great at a game, then whatever. Imagine complaining about something like that on Reddit. Touch some grass


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c87qg wrote

Cringe, I touch dirt instead.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c68vg wrote

I forgot to mention this, but I don't see how its impossible nor even difficult for someone new to video games to put a bit of effort into a team game lol


dumbbfellow t1_j2c2c8y wrote

This is why multi-player games often include ranking systems. My recommendation is that you start playing ranked so that you are matchmaking with people who out as much effort/skill into the game as you do.

If you play random or casual games you are obviously going to get a lot of people who aren't skilled or aren't trying. Some people like hopping on a game and not caring or goofing off, we all enjoy ourselves differently


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c2v58 wrote

I know, I said that not many games I play have it. Its because I prefer more realistic games than arcade ones (they focus on balancing less). However, it doesn't seem to matter how serious the game is.


dumbbfellow t1_j2c3ixl wrote

What type of games are you referring to?


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c45t6 wrote

Oh sorry, I meant more realistic FPS games. Not popular "realistic" ones like Escape from Tarkov or something (they just feel realistic), but kinda milsim ones.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c49a3 wrote

Although a few games I play aren't very realistic but I don't play them as much.


CatmanDrucifer t1_j2c1h3z wrote

Because people are straight up stupid, never underestimate how fucking undereducated people truly are in any given situation…. especially online.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c208j wrote

I know many are stupid, but I wanted to know why for team-based video games.


CatmanDrucifer t1_j2c24pp wrote

Situational awareness is something not everyone has, it’s pretty rare honestly.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c2h3i wrote

Well TBF, situational awareness isn't even necessary for some common sense. Some are so blind to even objectives or tasks next to them. They can still use a bit of effort lol


Engylizium t1_j2d6jm9 wrote

It doesn't matter. People just play what they like


StupidestGuyNominee t1_j2c218h wrote

Well most fps games use skill based matchmaking, so you're probably finally playing at the appropriate level.

Boom roasted


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c2dm9 wrote

..How would that even roast me? Wtf lol

However, not all of them do. Not many I play but despite that, I still come across many stupid players on teams I'm in.


pizza_lover_234 t1_j2c37w4 wrote

Because sometimes I just wanna have dumb fun in a game that wasn't meant for it and I'm tired of acting like I shouldn't


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c3s07 wrote

Then why be a teammate in that situation unless its a super casual game designed for it? At least to me, the point of a team is to work as a team.


pizza_lover_234 t1_j2c4ref wrote

Unless it's ranked, or like I'm playing with friends and we're trying to play to win, then what's the reason not to. And I don't mean just be a dick like team kill or throwing. But if my buddy's tell me a horrible idea and follow it up with "be pretty funny ngl" or I think that, then imma do it cuz it'd be fun


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c5qa6 wrote

Ah fair enough. I thought you meant in matches where people's progress can be negatively affected due to bad teammates.


pizza_lover_234 t1_j2c6aa0 wrote

Nah nah, but if it's like, Splatoon, hell let loose, squad, cod, siege, overwatch, and it's a no ranked game, oh yeah imma have y'know, fun


Null-Ex3 t1_j2cj912 wrote

Dude give us some examples idk man. What do they do that is stupid


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2cjqjv wrote

Sorry, I assumed people would know that I meant shit teamwork.

However; a few examples are, forgetting common sense, being irresponsible (doing stuff that fucks over other team members), and not putting any effort into teamwork.


Null-Ex3 t1_j2ck24y wrote

Dude i get bad team work but like specific examples, like being irresponsible what do they do thats irresponsible? Do they charge in headfirst? Do theynot provide cover for their teamates? And define not putting in effort? How do you know? Maybe they are just bad. We cant answer your question if we dont know anything but most likley, the answer is they just suck at video games and dont know that doing certain things will get them and their teamamtes killed.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2clcyu wrote

Okay. A few specific examples are; going very far away from all objectives without sniping, not trying to defend a teammate near them getting fucked up (unless they can't at all), going away from nearby objectives being attacked, trolling etc.

However, people can suck at team-based video games without being a detriment. I do that in team games I'm shit at.


Null-Ex3 t1_j2cp1bi wrote

Depends on the game your playing ig. Idk this dosent happen alot for me. Even people who are really bad at video games typically dont just stand there while their teammates get gunned down. Trolling i get but this level of incompetence isnt very common from what i can tell


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2csok0 wrote

Okay, what team games do you not see much incompetence? Because its so annoying to constantly deal with, I even have to threaten them to play as a team..


Null-Ex3 t1_j2cvugl wrote

Idk rainbow 6. Sure people suck (me) but we try and work as a team sure, you have the odd player who decides to snipe you in the head with a shotgun before the round starts but than you can just shoot them next round and it dosent happen all that often. Or valorant, i have only been trolled once in that game and most of the time we have some sort of coordination. Idk what games your playing to consistently find awful teamates


Realgigclin t1_j2c38e5 wrote

Think of all the brain dead drivers you see everyday. Those people play video games too


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c3ola wrote

At least where I live, I only occasionally see stupid drivers. I know its still many people, but not much compared to the amount of cars being driven I seen in my life which is probably millions by now lol


Realgigclin t1_j2c4fti wrote

Las Vegas has the worst drivers I've seen out of anywhere in the United States I've lived


Secret_Detective3255 t1_j2cf2um wrote

Generally the best gamers are around ages 14-25. Most people do not fall in this age range but people still play video games at all ages.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2cjs9p wrote

I'm not talking about skill, I'm talking about teamwork. When I'm very bad at a game, I still put effort into teamwork so anyone can.


XiK0rP t1_j2d4v6m wrote

Heads up, you are that shitty, stupid teammate to many other players too!


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2d8gup wrote

Where's evidence of that? I'm not the one being so unobservant of objectives and tasks along with not helping others who need help lol


Intelligent_Fox_9843 t1_j2ea4h7 wrote

Stupid is a bit harsh, inexperienced maybe and every game has a learning curb. Also many disabled people love to play co-op games but may struggle with coordination/concentration. I am disabled and tend not to play co-op game's as I don't want to hinder anyone, but for some, it's their only outlet. So maybe try and be a bit more understanding even tho it may cause you frustration ✌️


breadexpert69 t1_j2c2riw wrote

Its not videogames.

Most people in the world are pretty stupid. Just count how many dummies you see on a daily basis on your commute.


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2c35sn wrote

Yeah.. Its unfortunately the case, although I doubt many dumb video game teammates would be that dumb IRL.


KingAtrocity t1_j2cahpu wrote

What you’re missing here, is that many people are actually just stupid


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2cb471 wrote

The problem is that many stupid people I seen in video games have way more stupidity than most people do IRL. There's quite a few people who are that stupid; but if there were many more who were, there'd be a lot more deaths.

Although many people were stupid as fuck about COVID.


KingAtrocity t1_j2cbts0 wrote

Even stupid people are pretty good at 1-3 things so you don’t notice it right away


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2ccis0 wrote

Yeah I guess.


KingAtrocity t1_j2ce9k0 wrote

There also are an incredible amount of people that die stupid deaths and near deaths daily, we don’t hear much about it.

Watch some TikTok’s and it’s easy to see


IsaacR98 OP t1_j2cexa1 wrote

Sure, but I think its still a minority despite being large. If it was more than a minority, I dunno if any country would be able to have a positive birth to death ratio then lol


KingAtrocity t1_j2cf0ko wrote

That’s not true, stupid people reproduce like rats lol

But I see where you’re coming from