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BillzB89 t1_j2fjoei wrote

One person's minority opinion doesn't make something overrated.


ella6767c t1_j2fqe5b wrote

Even if the majority thought that it's overrated someone could still think otherwise, either way it's subjective.


furhankey619 t1_j2fjprc wrote

What are the flaws


[deleted] OP t1_j2fk604 wrote



Sad-Scale-1837 t1_j2flbft wrote

Godskin duo sucks in both idea and design I’ll give you that one, but what makes the other late game bosses bad? I thought they were pretty good.


Andrewliciouss t1_j2fm9lg wrote

Sometimes, it’s ok to be completely wrong. This is one of those times.


BluebirdRight8040 t1_j2fpvxy wrote

>Complains that the game is repetitive

>Copy pastes arguments all over the thread


Younglotus14 t1_j2foh11 wrote

Malenia sure is a pain in the ass,But not bad,Maliketh is Dope,the rest i agree,But i still loved,But i get your point,The game is not perfect by a y means,But compare to other game we have,Elden was a fresh thing with a lot of good and funny things,Its just Nice to have a good open world game unlike horizon,Or any ubisoft game


fart-debris t1_j2fjs2f wrote

In history?

You need to play more games.


megabusther00 t1_j2fk9iz wrote

Give me a game more overrated than Elden Ring.


OokySpookums t1_j2fklog wrote

Call of duty


megabusther00 t1_j2fkr2m wrote

Nobody is going around saying that Call of Duty is the best game in history.


OokySpookums t1_j2flaje wrote

I'm saying it's overrated.

A game that gets way more hype and revenue than it deserves.


KGBDeepOperative t1_j2fp785 wrote

He's clearly talking about critical acclaim rather than monetary metrics.


OokySpookums t1_j2frz9m wrote

He's also clearly... A dumbass.

Also happy cake day!


fart-debris t1_j2fkm9u wrote

Any Metal Gear game. Any Persona game. Ocarina of Time. Final Fantasy VII. Bioshock. There's a million of 'em.


GetChecked__ t1_j2fk544 wrote

Elden Ring is nearly a flawless game imo.


ATHFFrylock t1_j2fl4le wrote

It’s up there for me. In terms of the souls series, it’s probably my second favorite (DS3 is so goddamn good)


GetChecked__ t1_j2fmg27 wrote

The only souls games I've played and beaten are elden ring, sekiro and DS3. Any suggestions on what to try next?


ATHFFrylock t1_j2fnafx wrote

Well, I would always recommend Dark Souls Remastered. I didn’t play enough of blood borne, I couldn’t really enjoy it. Haven’t gotten around to Demon Souls either. But Dark Souls 1 is what got me sucked into the souls series


ella6767c t1_j2fmyaz wrote

I can think of a lot more games I'd consider more flawless - not necessarily better, but more 'perfect', in regards to what they do. Elden Ring is a flawed game imo. I don't think it works as well as the linearity of other Souls games.


evildeadthing666 t1_j2fjwg0 wrote

Why didn't you say what any of these gigantic flaws are?


[deleted] OP t1_j2fkb3k wrote



JJRicky t1_j2fl8ye wrote

Everything is medicore, bosses are bad...but why? Mechanics? Does it detract from the story? I thought each of those bosses you listed were perfectly fine. I especially loved the maliketh fight. It seems like you're trying really hard to find reasons to hate the game.


megabusther00 t1_j2flegg wrote

Maliketh is literally just standing around waiting for him to stop flipping in the air so you can hit him once then do it again, the exact same applies to Fire Giant, Malenia, and Elden Beast.


imjustamazing t1_j2fnzv9 wrote

I'll give you Godskin Duo. I didn't have any issue with the other bosses though. Maliketh in particular is fucking badass, no idea what your issue is with that one. And even if Elden Beast is on the annoying side, I enjoyed the spectacle of it.

I would also agree the game in general is maybe too big, but the boss repetition didn't bug me too much. Not every catacomb needs a unique fight after all.

The flaws still don't detract from the fact that Elden Ring absorbed me in a way that very few games these days do. Compared to other From games, I'd personally put it above DS2 and DS3, at the very least.


gpoly t1_j2fkrfq wrote

New Year's Eve is the most over rated night in history. Everything is crowded and more expensive and in my city they have the same over rated fireworks every year, attended by the same drunk and aggressive million people. I stayed home and played Eldon Ring. No regrets!


JustSmileHaHa t1_j2fkgg6 wrote

It's all well and good not to care for Miyazaki's style (I don't either outside of Bloodborne) , but no need to be so combative when legions of other fans and the industry as a whole revered a subjective experience.


megabusther00 t1_j2fkl5w wrote

I like how you just made up the idea that I don't like "Miyazaki's style" based on literally nothing.


OokySpookums t1_j2fkj4h wrote

Didn't someone post something very similar to this recently?


MockJoy t1_j2flalt wrote

Based on your note on being the new CDPR - do you think Witcher 3 was overrated?


GooseMay0 t1_j2fm791 wrote

From Software does get a longer leash for certain things. I mean Bloodborne, Demon Souls, Dark Souls, Sekiro, Elden Ring are all VERY similar. With a lot of the same concepts and even story wise lots of similarities. They recycled a lot into Elden Ring with enemies, magic abilities, upgrade system etc. Thats why I'm excited for their new Armored Core game. It looks to be a complete departure from what they been doing for the past several years.


JazzDesi42 t1_j2fnvco wrote

Truth of the matter is that From makes what they want, when they want. You love it, or you hate it. If you love it though, you’ll be a happier (albeit more frustrated) person.


Pender8911 t1_j2fjshr wrote

Which games tells its story with details and doesn't spoonfeed you every damn thing you need not to get lost?


megabusther00 t1_j2fkf8k wrote

>Which games tells its story with details

Literally every story in existence, what are you trying to say here?


Pender8911 t1_j2fklgq wrote

That i'd like to see you compare what FromSoftware does to any of the major gaming companies... You got your attention tho so you can call it a win


megabusther00 t1_j2fkpo4 wrote

Nothing you are saying makes any amount of sense.


nftvaccine t1_j2fle26 wrote

Definitely not. The game is great. 9/10 Cyberpunk is amazing too


noname-gtx t1_j2fmxn9 wrote

totally agreed, it's the hype of the year and gets away with tons of shit which other Games would be not, just because tons of media hyped it the fuck up


googerbooger123 t1_j2fphn4 wrote

Sounds like someone couldnt beat the first tree sentinel


karsh36 t1_j2fks69 wrote

I'm open to being wrong, but can you at least list some of these gigantic flaws


megabusther00 t1_j2fkve0 wrote

>The late game is obviously rushed, everything after Leyndell is mediocre and the bosses are especially bad. Malenia, Fire Giant, Godskin Duo, Maliketh, and Elden Beast are all pretty bad bosses.
>The constant repetition of bosses elsewhere really detracts from them as a whole, with probably 90% of the bosses in the game being repeated at some point. There are literally zero non-repeated bosses in all of Limgrave and the Weeping Peninsula.


EvilCeleryStick t1_j2fo3p3 wrote

Yes, I have definitely seen a giant rip off his foot and start trying to club me with it before... Oh wait. Malenia is widely considered one of the most challenging bosses ever and she's totally not like any other. Maliketh idk, I guess Ive kill him too fast on both playthroughs to have a good opinion on him. He seems a bit easy.

Otherwise - shit, I'm almost done my second playthrough using totally different gear, stats, and skills and its like I'm playing it for the first time again. It's been so much fun sitting down to play almost every night for a year now. Granted I don't get hours a day to game anymore, but for my 1-2 hr nightly gaming sesh - elden ring has been the most fun I've had since xcom came out for ps4, and before that, probably when I got Skyrim for my ps3. That's 2 other games in the last 12 years that have been as much fun (for me) as elden ring has been.


karsh36 t1_j2ftnfy wrote

I don't see this. I found Malenia, Fire Giant, and Maliketh to all be phenomenal. Elden Beast and its precursor fight were solid, but a tier or 2 below the other 3. The duo fight is a duo fight, so fine.

Yeah, a lot of early games "bosses" are late game basic enemies. Which kind of makes sense - you aren't fighting a unique, named enemy: You are fighting a powerful enemy that will eventually be a regular mob (which is something done in other Souls game like the Taurus Demon in the first Dark Souls). Personally, I really didn't notice/feel the repetition until 80/90 hours in of my 130-140 hour play through. And at that point I was transitioning to the end game that felt newer and lessened the feel of repetition.


fuzzynavel34 t1_j2fkxwx wrote

This is just a bait post lmao. You don’t list any of your issues with it at all.


megabusther00 t1_j2fl0z6 wrote

The late game is obviously rushed, everything after Leyndell is mediocre and the bosses are especially bad. Malenia, Fire Giant, Godskin Duo, Maliketh, and Elden Beast are all pretty bad bosses.

The constant repetition of bosses elsewhere really detracts from them as a whole, with probably 90% of the bosses in the game being repeated at some point. There are literally zero non-repeated bosses in all of Limgrave and the Weeping Peninsula.


fuzzynavel34 t1_j2flhul wrote

There’s 70+ unique bosses. Most games don’t even have half that amount lmao.

Also you’re take on those bosses being bad is just an absolutely shit opinion. It’s not our fault you can’t beat them 🤣


ella6767c t1_j2fmqlz wrote

I love Elden Ring. Even so I would agree that it's overrated - I don't think the open world aspect is great. But to call it the most overrated game in history is crazy.


dun-ado t1_j2fo7j8 wrote

OK, Karen. Obviously, you don't like Elden Ring.


Blueeyegamerguy t1_j2focr1 wrote

I hate the whole respawn system, it’s like nothing is ever completed. Bores my ocd. Also money to level….. I’m good after hitting level 50. Just too much at that point for a game that’s not that good. Maybe if it was Zelda


_NiohZA t1_j2foukc wrote

i would say ac odyssey is overrated, too many fetch quests


Blackwolfe47 t1_j2fpgvi wrote

No, the flaws you are referring to are minor at best, you just want to whine and be a hipster because the game is popular and nearly flawless on its genre

Stop being butt hurt that you suck at it, and yes we are “weebs” so what?


eldenringtone t1_j2fqtim wrote

"FromSoftware just seems like the new CD Project Red..." - I smell someone who doesn't know anything about the industry really.....


Chepstin t1_j2frjs1 wrote

OP spelt breath of the wild wrong


femboyliberal t1_j2fru7l wrote

It's more flawed than some other From games, but that doesn't always mean worse.

It's grand, it's.epic, it's everything I've wanted in a game for a long time.

In my opinion it's the worst souls-like game of the souls games, but potentially also the best overall game, if that makes sense.


Foxens t1_j2ftexe wrote

Weird hill to die on


CaptainPryk t1_j2fui0y wrote

I didn't enjoy it very much either OP.

I've played hundreds of games in so many genres but Souls games do not push my buttons at all. I've only played Mortal Shell (god what a dull fucking uninteresting game that was) and Elden Ring.

Everything I liked about Elden Ring was the stuff that I'd honestly just rather seen transferred to a different game (scenery/environment, lack of UI clutter, and free form exploration). But the fundamental Souls mechanics are... ugh.

I found the boss fights tedious after about 20 hours in and unbearably boring (zero satisfaction for killing a boss) 40 hours in. Some bosses were more enjoyable than others while some were nothing but annoying. After spending 30 minutes fighting an annoying ass boss my reward could be something completely useless to my character and it really just felt like a waste of time. I need to invest 30 minutes learning the moveset of a boss I'll probably never fight again? For a piece of equipment that is as valuable to me as a dog turd? It also doesn't really matter what I do the first couple times unless I am way overlevelled in comparison to the boss or have reflex times in the top .5% of humans, I must die typically a handful of times to learn the moveset before I can defeat the boss because they will feint attacks and other shit like that which can be completely unpredictable. Every boss fight I would just play defensively the first couple times trying to gauge the timing of their attacks, then I would beat them. Rinse and repeat with increasing difficulty/unpredictability with no other game mechanics to really keep my interest inbetween, which I will elaborate on.

Typically I like my open world games to be more like simulations/immersive. Skyrim/TW3/AC:Odyssey being examples (to varying degrees) of worlds I felt immersed in and cared about what was happening around me. Elden Ring is a video game ass video game (in the words of fellow nerd Jake Baldino) and it feels like it in this regard. Every enemy just follows the same path and respawns after you sit at a bonfire. Like automatons they patrol their set path and the more you play the more noticeable it is. It feels like a linear/non-open world game and I'm unconvinced that Souls games are a great match for the open world format or at least in this iteration.

The NPCs feel like talking cardboard cutouts. They feel lifeless and I quite frankly could not give 2 shits about any of them. The non-humanoid NPCs were admittedly much more interesting, like that Blacksmith Iji. Voice acting is at times spectacular like with Iji, and other times drab as the games overall tone.

The lack of handholding in exploration is taken a step too far in some cases.There are random walls that are "secret passages" that you cannot find unless you just... randomly swing at every wall hoping it slowly fades away in a lazy animation? Apparently this is a staple in the franchise, and it feels like a mechanic from a 2005 game. I might expect it maybe once or twice, perhaps as an easter egg rather than a commom mechanic. There are things that you can completely miss that would make your game experience tremendously more enjoyable, various of which I am not sure how you could find without looking stuff up on the internet. If you intend on only doing one playthrough, you can easily overlevel by going off in a random direction only to come back to those places later and find the enemies to be weak and the experience of going through those areas to be less impactful and less enjoyable had you done those areas when you were the proper level.

There is a lot of lore and stories you can piece together through reading, listening to NPCs, and by reading the environment. But as someone who found the setting a little to drab, eery feeling in a hard-to-explain-bad-way, and ultimately just not that intriguing to me, I had very little motivation to make the effort to really invest myself into it and thus the game world and universe created felt like a backdrop to the front and center combat loop that I dislike so much

Last 2 opinions:

Super massive bosses the size of sky scrapers always feel dumb to fight when you are just a normal sized humanoid

PVP games are better if you want to just be in constant combat loops. I'd rather duel someone in Chivalry 2 or For Honor than duel some dark knight in Elden Ring, especially since I don't feel immersed in the game


greeder41 t1_j2fnjyi wrote

So what?

Everything after Anor Londo in the original Dark Souls sucks dick too. The game is a still genre defining masterpiece.

Just like Elden Ring

Nothing is perfect, Elden Ring is the best gaming experience I’ve ever had


queasy_self_controL t1_j2fmqd7 wrote

Definitely overhyped for what it was but The Witcher 3 and Skyrim reach magnitudes higher overratedness that Elden ring would only dream of hitting
