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inmy_head t1_j2fg1ry wrote

Unless you’re a top 1% pro there’s always going to be someone better than you and therefore there will always be frustration with online multiplayer. I’ve learned to move away from such games because I found them bad for my mental health. Like others are saying stick to single player or coop games


Kmulv1356 t1_j2fggtw wrote

You see? Right there! Online multiplayers cause mental health problems in both you and I and probably in tons of other people too. Why make those games if this is what happens when someone plays them? I don’t get it. The gaming world is stupid.


buns85 t1_j2fnpfl wrote

I’m so sorry.. the problem is that other people are going to be better than you and that makes you mad, so why play?? Is that what you’re saying?


Kmulv1356 t1_j2ft1tq wrote

Pretty much, yeah. But that happens with single player games as well. I was having trouble with something on a game and my dad asked to try but he had never even seen the game before. He tried and got past the part. This is why I’m asking if I should still be playing video games or if I should try to find something else to do.


buns85 t1_j2ftsim wrote

That’s a really pessimistic thought process to have, imo. There’s always going to be people better at you in anything that you try, that pretty much goes for everyone. If that’s your stance then you might at well not try any hobby or activity lol.


inmy_head t1_j2fh4ir wrote

It’s definitely a problem that doesn’t get talked about enough. I would compare it to a gambling addiction where all you want to do is keep playing to gain that adrenaline from winning even though there is going to be some losses on the way


Kmulv1356 t1_j2fhcia wrote

Yes, exactly! This needs to be talked about but does anybody care about it? Nope, nobody will ever care about it. That’s the problem with it. Everybody thinks it’s normal so it never gets talked about.