Submitted by CatsAreDangerous t3_1004bx7 in gaming

My girlfriend isnt much of a gamer, but wants to start playing some games with me more often. Shes not massively experienced with games and i dont want her to be put off by complex mechanics etc.

I was told to play it takes two with her, and shes thoroughly enjoyed it. The forgiving nature of the game and the light hearted approach but mature content mixed in with all of the creativity alongside it made it a game we both extremely enjoyed.

The issue is im struggling to find other games like it. We played one of those interactive detective games on gamepass ( cant remember what it was called) but after a while we just forgot about it.

I want to keep this momentum up with her. But at the moment i need more forgiving games than what i want to recommend as i know she'll quickly become frustrated with them.

Can people suggest some games and why they may be a good fit?



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kwokie t1_j2fevzi wrote

Highly recommend Portal 2 co-op


Tistoer t1_j2ffeei wrote

Overcooked 2 is great to play with a friend. Its easy to understand and you need to work together.

Warning: it will be the end of your relationship


WilliamIsMyName t1_j2ffoo0 wrote

Bi-Ped is awesome although requires some finer motor skills with a controller.

Also Unravel and Unravel Two are beautiful games and stories.


IThinkIWont t1_j2fhqg7 wrote

My wife and I loved playing borderlands 1 and 2 together!

Encourage them to try different weapons to find something they like. Try to teach them how to take advantage of the aim assist. Help them filter through the inventory and understand what the weapon stats mean.

I sort of played an overwatch role, making sure to keep an eye on her screen and give tips where I can.

This is literally the only time she's played a game with me, save for Nintendo.

Gearbox fucked up BL3's split screen so badly that I'd call it unplayable, and she agrees, so we haven't played it yet.


LaserGadgets t1_j2fg3rj wrote

Grounded is superfun in CoOp...well also alone. But even better in CoOp.


Jennie2281 t1_j2fhcz7 wrote

Unravel and Unravel two. They're fairly simple and cute. I loved both. I don't remember if the first one is two player (probably not), but the second one is. Little Big Planet was a fun game for two people, but might be a little too hard for a newbie. The first one is the easiest to get the hang of, by the third game the difficulty shoots way up.


Cupcakemonger t1_j2fhsyl wrote

If you have playstation I think Little Big Planet would be a good choice!


imjustbrainstorming t1_j2fq16r wrote

Octodad is super fun to play together and it's pretty easy and short (about 2 hours I think, but complitely worth it)! I played it with a couple of friends and to be honest it was probably the most fun I've had in a while