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fastal_12147 t1_j6f1tkl wrote

No way. Someone will buy the rights and make another one


twhite1195 t1_j6f2grb wrote

Do we really need that? Do you think Duke's one liners and character archetype would work in today's world? I mean, I don't mind, it's just a character, but you know that there'd be a whole horde of people being angry about Duke's lines and shit like that


APeacefulWarrior t1_j6gu0u4 wrote

I could see them doing a sort of Austin Powers or Demolition Man thing where Duke gets thawed out and has to learn about life in the new world. It'd even be an excuse to bring back the "Bombshell" concept of giving him a female partner. He learns about modern nomenclature; she learns to have fun kicking ass and chewing bubblegum. It could work.


fastal_12147 t1_j6f3nqn wrote

No comment on any of that. Just my thoughts on the possibly of another Duke game happening.


SouLDraGooN44 t1_j6fzt1b wrote

I would love to be wrong. Best we can get is a retro style remake or hopefully sequel.

No way anyone is dumping AA to AAA money on a pretty much 20 year dead franchise.