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RedditNdn651 t1_j6mx5z8 wrote

I've poured about 90hrs into the base model PS4. Minor glitches, nothing game breaking. But no dlc is a huge let down.


Twist45GL t1_j6nxaii wrote

Same here. Played day one on base PS4 and didn't have any major issues. Occasional graphics glitches, but nothing that was problematic.


SCHARKBAIT11 t1_j6muh2k wrote

You better not waste your time


paul-the-pelican t1_j6muj74 wrote

Don’t even bother trying it. They’ve stopped supporting it and it’s way buggier. It also runs like shit apparently


Loccyskillz t1_j6mv654 wrote

No get it on current gen, all the support for last gen is done now, it’s not even worth it.


AshyLarry25 t1_j6mzlno wrote

Don’t even think about it


Siendra t1_j6nofgj wrote

The last patch got the game to a point where it could be called stable, but they significantly pared back NPC density and overall visual fidelity to get there.