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SaiyajinPrime t1_j6olaab wrote

I'll keep buying digital. But thanks for the suggestion. You're also not using the word monopoly correctly.


TheLordJames t1_j6oq3ny wrote

I raise you one further. I won't buy digital, but I won't buy discs either. I will continue to use GamePass.


initjustright OP t1_j6orhmd wrote

Monopoly would be for the games digitally distributed on the that said marketplace.

Monopoly being if a developer or the distributor decided to release a remaster Your original game or media would be lost despite you owning it digitally aka delisted

Maybe don't try to be cool online next time


SaiyajinPrime t1_j6ort8l wrote

Nope, you're still not using it right.


initjustright OP t1_j6osfus wrote

I am but Ok genius relax buddy use Google next time


SaiyajinPrime t1_j6ou09b wrote

You legit don't seem to understand what the word means. Who has the monopoly?


GeneraIFlores t1_j6p227n wrote

A monopoly is when one business controls the entirety of a specific Market. If Microsoft purchased Sony, Nintendo and Steam fully then they would have a Monopoly.


Bananaslamma24 t1_j6okzmx wrote

you clearly don't understand the definition of a monopoly if you are complaining about 2 companies.


initjustright OP t1_j6oq94y wrote

Monopoly would be for the games digitally distributed on said marketplace not the company but Ok genius

Which if left to the developer or distributor Can be removed If it affects future purchases say a remaster or remake.

Delisting what you own would mean you would have to buy that new version.

Nice talk


Bananaslamma24 t1_j6ouwe3 wrote

Monopoly definitions according to your favorite resource google:

  1. The exclusive possession or control of the supply of or trade in a commodity or service

  2. A company or group having exclusive control over a commodity or service.

  3. A commodity or service in the exclusive control of a company or group.

  4. The exclusive possession, control, or exercise of something.

  5. A board game in which players engage in simulated property and financial dealings using imitation money. It was invented in the US and introduced in 1933 by Charles Darrow; a forerunner of the game had been patented on 5 January 1904 as ‘The Landlord's Game’ by Elizabeth J. Magie.

None of these would apply, for someone who aggressively tells people to google things you'd think you'd be able to yourself.


SeparateAddress9070 t1_j6oqvay wrote

Nah. I prefer digital. Physical media is wasteful and bad for the environment.


ThreeStoogesFan t1_j6orht5 wrote

*psssst, no one tell him how it is on pc, he might have an aneurysm..


ShawshankException t1_j6ouz9u wrote

  1. You don't understand what a monopoly is

  2. Why is this written like a Facebook post

  3. I'm good. I'll keep buying digital.


initjustright OP t1_j6p6lwl wrote

Another genius Monopoly would be for the games digitally distributed on said marketplace not the company

Which if left to the developer or distributor Can be removed If it affects future purchases say a remaster or remake.

Delisting what you own would mean you would have to buy that new version. Nice talk


ShawshankException t1_j6p7bop wrote

Those are definitely words that are put together into a comment. Still not what a monopoly is. You have no clue what you're talking about.


JoelsCaddy t1_j6ola48 wrote

If a game is delisted you can still play it if you purchased it before hand.


noxcadit t1_j6olq48 wrote

Not if you sold the old console and got a new one


_Dai_Dai t1_j6onx5y wrote

Yes you can it's tied to account I download marvel ultimate alliance on ps5 and was delisted before ps5


initjustright OP t1_j6opz73 wrote

Interesting I didn't have no luck Maybe it depends on a game by game basis or developer


NsDoValkyrie t1_j6oogod wrote

Fuck you're right, I guess I'll just stop using Steam entirely.

Also if I'm getting this right, even though you've owned a game digitally for 10 years, you feel like you're owed a refund or credit?


initjustright OP t1_j6p67o4 wrote

It's brought through currency so its my ownership of that product so yes.

I tend not to waste my money on things I should own


1statbeinglast t1_j6oq3ze wrote

That is like saying yea let's get r Sony cd walkman out and play music of disks? Really bru?


picknicksje85 t1_j6ou03i wrote

Does delisting happen that often? I think it's not a huge issue. Games on discs are a thing of the past. It's a bit like how I got used to keeping my music as MP3 files. It takes a bit of time to get used to. But for me, I'm ready for an all digital future.

If the game was still complete on a disc, you'd have a point. But these days you pop in the disc and get a rather big update file of 20 tot sometimes even 100GB. We have to start accepting that our games just aren't on discs anymore.

One day you will download complete libraries of PS4, PS5 games and so on in seconds like you would with NES and SNES. And there will be way better stuff out there. Old things won't be lost :) Heck even all PS1 games ever released I can emulate on a cheap tablet with enhanced sharper visuals. Enjoy the moment, and look to the future!


initjustright OP t1_j6p6g1v wrote

You not wrong but I never did emulators but it's the principle that I used my money to buy something that should be in my ownership.


6363tagoshi t1_j6ovej9 wrote

Dude kids are to lazy to move their ass and swap the disc in the console.

Save environment is stupid excuse bs! At the same time they order junk from Aliexpress fake off brands factories encouraging more nock off products to be made just to save $1 it takes 3 weeks deliver across the globe and across China between 10 different depots then onto container ship that destroys environment. They dump buckets of junk into the sea constantly. But Billy doesn’t care about anyone but himself.


eyeseenitall t1_j6omgq5 wrote

This fight is over. Look at the digital vs physical splits when it comes to sales. We'll be lucky if the PS6 come out with a disc drive at this rate.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6omwd7 wrote

I appreciate your concern but the pros of digital vs the cons of physical means Im alright with that loss


initjustright OP t1_j6oqt1v wrote

Even used disc games nowadays look virtually new.

Maybe before 2013 a cosmetic defect would be an issue to play the game.

I recently went to game stop and was quite impressed on the discs that was used and seen no difference between new and used copies.

But maybe that was just a pristine gamestop location


Iffykindofguy t1_j6osun8 wrote

Im talking about clutter, the impact of plastic on the environment, not having to have to get up to switch games or dig through anything to find an old box, etc.


initjustright OP t1_j6p5u4w wrote

Yeah but that's so minute in the grand scheme of the world ecosystem.

Cars and mills at the top of that concer but I get what your saying.


Iffykindofguy t1_j6p6qhc wrote

Cars and mills are not actually at the top of that? Fossil fuel companies are. Its not about individual choice but it does still matter what you do. Telling yourself stuff like this is so "minute" is just a lie our culture tells ourselves. Same as when we go "Well what, am I supposed to just give up all my stuff and send it to Africa!" No, thats just an extreme so you can justify not doing the most basic of things.


initjustright OP t1_j6p7j6q wrote

Mmm arent fossil fuels used in cars and typically mills/warehouses is typically the manufacturer of wastes.

But thanks for the rhetorical input.

The ecosystem is already broken Global warming been set in stone for awhile now amongst other pollutants

Next 50 years I be surprised if there's a earth.

You thought process is a band aid on a festering mortal wound. I you assure it's too late the planet is doomed. Even if 99% of the population turned "green"


Iffykindofguy t1_j6p7zbb wrote

Fossil fuels are used in infinitely more things than just cars


initjustright OP t1_j6p8lfa wrote

Yeah pretty sure of the 10s of millions of cars thats on the road that's not a big factor. Ok millennial


Iffykindofguy t1_j6p94ce wrote

Where did I say it wasnt a factor, boomer? Also you are wildly out of touch with the science and the way you comfort yourself by telling yourself that were all doomed and its hopeless is pathetic. Understandable, you cant help what you are. Its still pathetic.


LesPeterGuitarJam t1_j6ona5s wrote

Been exclusive digital for the last 10+ yeas...

My current gaming laptop doesn't even have a DVD drive.. And non of my 2 other laptops have DVD either..

I also find it way more convenient that I don't have to go through 1000+ physical DVD/cd/blu ray to find what I'm looking for.


initjustright OP t1_j6or0rt wrote

I been in the middle but say 10-20 years I can't buy or download the game or media I once owned due to licensing issues because of digital distribution.

I don't like it


pixuhl t1_j6ovn7f wrote

Physical games now require downloads and installs. Physical games are not like they used to be. They are a glorified license on a disc.


IncognitoSlug123 t1_j6oyow6 wrote

I don't like that either, but I also just lose game discs, so physical media doesn't protect me from losing access to games I own.


tehsax t1_j6opl4d wrote

What's a digital support disc game transaction?


bdan98 t1_j6onvkx wrote

I can’t believe more people don’t like digital, and I can sell my games when I’m done and get some money back, digital game money just goes out the window


[deleted] t1_j6oqkh4 wrote



bdan98 t1_j6orsu5 wrote

Yeah I don’t know if I’ve ever sold a game.. and most do become worthless… but still I have something in my hand rather than a game on a cloud only I can play on my account