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Atesadil t1_j6nwgct wrote

I love the dialogues between these two


TasBlue t1_j6nycpx wrote

I really wanted a sequel…I’m so so sad I’ll never get it. Loved the dynamic between these two, and that ending.


Cult_Of_Anubis t1_j6nyobk wrote

One of favourite PoP games. Pity we never got a sequel


TheNorthernMoose t1_j6nz411 wrote

Oh man I love this game!

Won't even mention the fucking name in the title.


Lord-Pepper t1_j6o0w0s wrote

Is this prince of Persia? Or something just as forgettable


Fathoms77 t1_j6o3tux wrote

It was such a great game. So beautiful, and it remains one of the best examples of a partner-style gameplay mechanic. Elika was basically a tool and never in the way, and THAT'S the proper way to do it. Very much like how we use Atreus in the new God of Wars; it just works extremely well.

I wish they'd do another PoP...either a true sequel or that Sands of Time remake rumor, which I'm sure won't happen.


agentouk t1_j6o5yqx wrote

I'll say it again for those at the back:


Instant downvote from me.

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.


AriannaAshina t1_j6o6wch wrote

The aesthetic aged pretty well. If Ubisoft likes History+Mythology+Fantasy so much, I don't get why they don't revisit the Prince of Persia franchise again, instead of tarnishing the brand of Assassin's Creed.


Garlador t1_j6o7bjs wrote

Where’s it sequel, Ubisoft?!

Arihman’s on the loose!


takeitsweazy t1_j6o7x7n wrote

The 2008 reboot in this image wasn’t universally praised though, it got a more mixed reception. I don’t think most people associate Prince of Persia with this iteration.

2003’s Sands of Time though, that was a game changer. It is surprising to me that one hasn’t been brought to modern consoles in one form or another.


Wonder-Lad OP t1_j6o8l8o wrote

I would die a happy man. As someone else mentioned, this met with a lukewarn response. People weren't still over The Sands of Time trilogy so a reboot rubbed them the wrong way. It's a real fucking shame cause PoP 2008 turned into a true gem that stood the test of time.

A few years later Ubi went back and decided to continue PoP with Forgotten Sands that seemed to directly follow after the first Sands of Time game in an alternate universe type of way. That one tanked pretty bad too...


bookamp t1_j6o8p7b wrote

Amazing game. Loved the fact that you couldn't die, and the fights felt so fluid.


Moonshot_Md t1_j6o8w4b wrote

Revisionist history is happening with this game.


Joseluki t1_j6o98tv wrote

The real ending was a fucking DLC, they choped the ending, and put it separately on a DLC.


Freeman10 t1_j6ob4qc wrote

God I miss Prince of Persia. Do you guys remember The Sands of Time, Warrior Within and The Two Thrones? Good old times :) These were fantastic games!


shrlytmpl t1_j6ob56s wrote

The moment that the woman was "trapped" and I had to save her, but I fell and suddenly she was free and able to pick me up, then went back to being "trapped", I quit the game.


Lone_Grey t1_j6oe3lc wrote

I know that particular Prince of Persia wasn't hugely popular but for me it's an all-time favourite. The exploration, simple parkour and beautiful level design made the game so relaxing for me.


ViktorMacbeth t1_j6oem6y wrote

Prince of Persia 2008 genuinely is one of the few games I'd describe as "must play"


Ninjhetto t1_j6of9mf wrote

Prince of Persia, one of the newer ones.


Ninjhetto t1_j6ofjps wrote

I be feeling like OPs just expect everybody to "just know," which is extremely frustrating. Something gatekeeper-ish about it. Even if it's someone or something that's seemingly obvious, I don't like holding back info from people who could be new fans. Every sub got OPs like that.


ibruh143 t1_j6og5nl wrote

Before assassins creed, Prince of Persia was my playstation life😂.


TraditionalSell5251 t1_j6og7kb wrote

I always figure it's either forgetfulness or just a perspective thing. I grew up thinking some games were way more popular than they were because they were HUGE in my circle when I was a kid. If I figured everybody knew what game I was talking about from a single image I would probably forget to explicitly name the game.


Imaginary_Unit5109 t1_j6ohcy1 wrote

I wish they take this story and make it into a movie series. The game itself is fine. The gameplay to me is kinda lame. But the story and artdesign is so good. I wish they just make it into an animated movie or series.


Schyte96 t1_j6ohd0f wrote

This game had the best protagonist duo ever. Their interaction was fantastic. A shame the gameplay was a bit mediocre.


Mindspace_Explorer t1_j6ohydw wrote

I liked PoP 2008 but the platforming sequence felt more mechanical than the other games. Felt like many traversal segments were just a sequence of buttons to press in the right order and the required timing was extremely loose.


Schyte96 t1_j6oi81p wrote

I think this game suffered from being a big change in the series. Since Sands of Time, the core mechanic of the series way the time manipulation with the sand.

In Warrior Within and The Two Thrones it was the acrobatic combat on top of that.

This game did away with both of those mechanics, and it was mainly a platformer/puzzle. Combat in particular, one of the two main things in the series since the og 2D game took a massive back seat.


Western-Function-966 t1_j6oi92f wrote

Am i the only one who kept trying to die intentionally to kill Elika or just to see if i can die? Like you know falling down a cliff mid combat and stuff? But damn she'd be trapped in sludge unable to move but still come to save you


gideon513 t1_j6okuzg wrote

Her shirt makes zero sense in the realm of physics


yfw07 t1_j6omtt0 wrote

If you want to have your wish, then give me mine 🫡


SpeedsterGuy t1_j6on814 wrote

Too bad it was pretty mind numbing to play gameplay wise. Big departure from the first games where they were movement puzzles. This one felt like a mobile runner game.


DarthDregan t1_j6onvi4 wrote

One of the most underrated and slept on games of the last quarter century.


MagicBez t1_j6opmgf wrote

This is a complete aside but this new use of "aesthetic" is really throwing me for a loop. A game can have an aesthetic, a person can be an aesthete but surely it can't just be aesthetic? Unless we're saying that it's a decorative videogame or something.


LostOnes t1_j6oq1hj wrote

Windmill simulator? I love that game.


pyromnd t1_j6oqwre wrote

I loved this game, I really wish they did a sequel .


himynameisyoda t1_j6orqti wrote

I never played the game but the e3 trailer was sick.


Augen76 t1_j6osjsr wrote

Loved this game, hated the ending with the DLC bit.


BOOGIT1 t1_j6oudpx wrote

Gotta love some good ol’ POP


Nathanael777 t1_j6ow22y wrote

I love this game the way I love games like Journey. It's just aesthetic and relaxing fun.


BloodPharts88 t1_j6ow54q wrote

I totally forgot about this game! The art style was so cool


SharkOon7 t1_j6oxf7c wrote

I also love the soundtracks in this game


Covert-Wordsmith t1_j6ozga1 wrote

I would have never guessed it was from 2008. The art style from this picture looks like Borderlands.

ETA: I should specify that I'm talking about Borderlands 2, which was released in 2012. I never played the first game. Sorry for the confusion.


Asuka-02- t1_j6p12jh wrote

This game is amazing and is wildly underrated; it was way ahead of its time - too experimental. The relationship built up between the Prince and Elika was amazing, and wow does this game have a hard hitting and emotional ending.

I love it about as much as I love Sands of Time.


spencerdiniz t1_j6p1ha4 wrote

I enjoyed this game a lot also, despite the fact you can really die.


hollz873 t1_j6p2uuq wrote

Such a beautiful game. I loved the music and artstyle. But the story just ended so horribly imo 🥲


wingerktl t1_j6p2yoc wrote

I was going through some shit in my life when I played this and it really pulled me out of the funk. It was one of those games where I was surprised to find out it wasn't super well received.


SethLight t1_j6p3lkv wrote

I loved the narration. I forget which game it was, but when you died the narrator, who is the main character, who is telling the story goes "Oh no, that's not how it happened at all,"


Native-Tongue t1_j6p45im wrote

Yeah it’s interesting. Originally(in its new usage) it referred to a vaporwave/pastel visual style. Now it just means literally anything with style. Gen z has co-opted the word for better or for worse. It comes across as moronic until you consider that seemingly 99% of that generations style choices in any media/medium is a rehash of styles from the past 40ish years. The way that vaporwave contains a nostalgia for early digital art I think carried over into “aesthetic” which is just anything that has style, a style that is inevitably a rehash of the past because contemporary consumer culture is in a sad art time loop where actually new things are rarely created, this is all Gen Z knows. So it’s still kind of dumb sounding but language changes for a reason. I’ve found the usage so annoying I’ve tried to rationalize it so that’s my theory.


tinci007 t1_j6p4csj wrote

It was in The Sands of Time, especially funny cause the it's main character who is telling the story that you play through, so he is correcting himself when you missplay :)


MagicBez t1_j6p4q7q wrote

It's probably that first step that throws me off, how the vaporwave aesthetic came to just be called "aesthetic" like it was the only one and then "aesthetic" moved from that to meaning just...looks pleasing? As best I can tell it now just means "looks stylish", I recently saw an ad for a boardgame which described it as "aesthetic looking" and I think they just meant it looked cool. a further aside I'm also old enough to remember when 2000s style was described as a mash up/pastiche of everything that came before so the fact 20 years later that's still how we're describing the vibe (or aesthetic if you will) is curious - especially as there are still clear differences between the two.


Kenshin86 t1_j6p6et6 wrote

I really loved this game when I played it. I think it is one of very few games I actually replayed once or twice. It was an amazing 3D platformer with decent puzzles and one of few games where a partner was actually really well done.

Also the art style and narration was amazing. I was so puzzled at the time why reviews were unfavourable. Maybe it was just too different to it's predecessors. Maybe it was on an unpopular system. I don't know. All I know is that I absolutely loved it.


Jos-_ t1_j6p6haj wrote

I thought this game was trash


Native-Tongue t1_j6p7srh wrote

Yeah I get what you mean. It would be interesting to see it’s earliest usage, it feels like somebody just made a vocab mistake and it unquestioningly became absorbed into youth lingo. In a way it just makes sense to me from a kind of cynical art perspective where, now, any style can be absorbed, flattened, and rendered kind of meaningless when it’s being recycled and beaten to death using the methods which we now most commonly exchange visual information, internet feeds. Vaporwave kind of represents a nostalgia for an internet era when something new or original actually felt possible. I’m having a hard to tying all this together in a really specific way but it’s interesting to consider.


11nerd11 t1_j6p82yg wrote

Wish it would play as good as it looks.


TheLightsChampion t1_j6p8auf wrote

Forced exploration to collect seeds and the ending, completely undoing everything you worked for on top of being impossible to lose (but also trial by error puzzles) made me hate this game. The lack of sands and time powers and a different MC really did not make people tie it into the PoP franchise. They named the donkey at the start Farrah just to screw with us


nubsauce87 t1_j6pbiwu wrote

... I really wish people would put the name of the game in posts like this, because then I have to give them a downvote instead of an upvote...


Seewebbin t1_j6pcj98 wrote

Is this really how yall use the word aesthetic?


ZipGalaxy t1_j6pd4eu wrote

Very relaxing but the combat was pretty shallow. Once I got a hang of the controls almost every battle played out the same. They should have made the bosses more puzzle-based.


ssarch25 t1_j6pdv9h wrote

Wow this game has aged really well. Had a lot of fun with it back then.


Njmongoose t1_j6peew3 wrote

Didnt they hide the ending in paid dlc?


EXSource t1_j6pezvi wrote

Chronically underrated entry into the series that deserved a GOD DAMN SEQUEL.

I'm not mad, I promise.


MurseChinz t1_j6pfmdt wrote

F**k the OP for not including the title


RAMONE40 t1_j6pgkob wrote

This is Prince Of Pérsia?

It looked like Monster Hunter to me idk why 😅

>!the fact that i have ONLY played Prince Of Pérsia sands Of time on the Gameboy Advance probably didnt help !<


kiralala7956 t1_j6ph4eu wrote

I really liked the exploration and the ending. You see, Prince never really cared for Elika's quest. He helped her for her sake. He never signed up for what she did at the end, and he was always selfish. The ending is only unsatisfying because we never had a proper sequel.

The combat was lacking though. The combo system was cool but never dying and boring enemies ruined it. I think we should have had Elika's mana reserve as a healthbar. When it runs out, she can't help, and she might even die for your sake. That would we been so good, but alas.