Submitted by Zathura2 t3_10qc4aa in gaming

Most of the time it's because I just wasn't in the mood, or I binge it and get burned out, or what looked amazingly fun watching gameplay turned out to not be that fun in-person.

More than that, though, I realized there are games that I hold in very high-esteem, that I know almost nothing about. In my zeal to not spoil myself, I avoid gameplay and articles and discussions about games I want to finish someday...but haven't or barely played them, lol.

Is that weird? XD



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Cult_Of_Anubis t1_j6p4gda wrote

Gamer ADD. I still need to finish Ghost of Tsushima for this reason. Phenomenal game but I have periods where I just suddenly stop and have little to no ambition to pick up where I left off. What’s worse is that I’ll start playing a whole different game


brainstewedx t1_j6p6ias wrote

The same happens to me! sometimes i am loving a new game for a few days and then one day i wake up and literally never open it again…


LsG133 t1_j6p4gle wrote

The last game I finished was Skyrim on the Xbox 360


unstatiq t1_j6pdoar wrote

I feel this. Sometimes I'll rush through the main storyline and skip all the side quests cuz I wanna finish the game before I get tired of it, but then I end up feeling bad for not getting the "full experience"


Zathura2 OP t1_j6pfpan wrote

I've definitely done this, but what bums me out more is when I decide to go grind (I play mostly single-player games, lol), I get bored and burned-out of the grinding right before the final boss, and just don't turn it on again.

Feels bad. But if I got that far it means I loved it!


Iffykindofguy t1_j6pa6ns wrote

I dont finish most of my games and I enjoy most of my time playing.


dSoul22 t1_j6p5kw7 wrote

I have over 150 hours in elden ring with multiple characters and not.once have i completed the final boss. I have a handful of games that i do not ever plan on beating. Mostly cause i do not ever want to put them down.


periphery72271 t1_j6p5fxe wrote

Not to me. Most modern games eventually arrive at a point where there's grind required to proceed. I don't like grind. It's not fun to me.

I also lose interest when the gameplay loop has nothing to offer other than upgrades on the same old pattern. After a while doing the same thing to beat the same enemies/bosses who basically only come in a few flavors just with longer health bars and different colors or designs is of no interest to me.

I also have a busy life and I don't always have time to grind to be able to continue the game or fight the 3000th variation of the same mobs I was fighting when I started, so I find other things to do with my time that's actually productive for me, or more fun.
