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ThroughTheHalls t1_j67m8co wrote

I offer myself as sacrifice… Final fantasy 8 was the best final fantasy.


OutriderZero OP t1_j67mezu wrote

Not sure I can agree it's the best, but it's top three for me. Poured a lot of hours into it.


ThroughTheHalls t1_j67mql2 wrote

I also would agree with the fact it arguably had the worst gameplay haha. But that storyline and characters. Perfection.


CoasterIX t1_j68fe5j wrote

Wow, I disagree with you So Hard, FF8 was an awful time for me. But that's the whole point of this hill-to-die-on thread, so you win. Good job picking what I consider the most controversial opinion here.


The_Shwaz t1_j68pfxf wrote

I completely agree with this. I honestly wish we would have got a remake of FF8 instead of FF7.


deceirkayn t1_j68yys0 wrote

8 and 9 are my absolute favorites but 8s junction system was indeed doggy doo doo and I'll admit that.


Gamboni327 t1_j693ndt wrote

Nostalgia is a hard thing to get past. FF8 was my first FF game and even I can accept that it’s not a good game, nor does it have a good story.