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djr7 t1_j6b6oie wrote

yea that's not the point of the pass, yes it is a subscription service, just like any other subscription program. if you don't like subscriptions then that's just you're personal preference, that doesn't mean the service is dumb. It's not suppose to cater to just you.


Da_Real_Cup_ t1_j6b8f1v wrote

literally never said it's supposed to cater to just me. I said multiple times if people enjoy gamepass great! Good for you! I Gamepass its dumb TO ME And I also said multiple times I don't like subscriptions. So yes it is a personal preference that's the point of this post to share unpopular 'gaming hills to die on'.


djr7 t1_j6cceov wrote

then it's not even a controversial opinion or let alone a "gaming hill to die on", you're literally not the intended user but acknowledge that it is a good service for it's intended purpose.