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Merwanor t1_j6m5qih wrote

I was really into the game at the start but the further I get the more annoyed I get with the combat. There is just too much timing based stuff for my taste. Especially the parry system is just too hard to get down for me. And I don't get how you are supposed to do all these long combos when enemies constantly interrupt you.

And I have to admit I think the music gets very repetitive after a while, not really that odd as everything is tied to the same beat. But for a game designed around music, this is a pretty bad omen.

The stand outs for me are the boss fights, and I wish I could skip all the normal combat and just have boss fights as they are actually fun. I just think the combat works much better when you focus on one enemy and not surrounded by many.

Definitely a game made with passion though, as the visuals, animations and artistic design of the game is amazing. Great game, but I think it is a bit of a niche genre that not everyone will enjoy.