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underprivlidged t1_j6g1ub8 wrote

Actively? None.

I dabble in F76 but I'll never actually pay for it. And I play MTG Arena, but I get the pass just by playing and I don't really pay attention to it.


MillBridge101 OP t1_j6g27ap wrote

The good part about the BP in F76 is it's free (mostly, these last few seasons Beth has added a handful of exclusive Fallout 1st rewards scattered across the Scoreboard (battle pass) and can be grinded out in the first week if you know what you are doing :)


underprivlidged t1_j6g2el4 wrote

I probably play F76 about 3 hours a week at this point.

When I first started a couple months ago (when it came to GamePass) I was putting in at least an hour a day. Now I just can't be bothered as much. Waiting for new content, really.


xdarkskylordx t1_j6g3jf5 wrote

What's funny is that F076 had such a terrible launch, that places were selling it for literally a couple of bucks. So, someone could have bought the game dirt cheap and continue to get free content. Probably a better deal than almost every franchise right now.