Submitted by MightyOven t3_10odx1h in gaming

Here are some of my favorites:
- Life is Strange taught me that every choice we make has a butterfly effect, leading to unforeseen consequences and shaping the outcome of our lives. It made me reflect on the power I hold in my own hands and how every decision I make matters.

- The Last of Us taught me about the true meaning of sacrifice and love. It showed me that no matter what, you'll always do anything to protect the people you love, and that the love between family and friends is the most powerful force in the world.

- I was blown away by the intricate and mind-boggling conspiracy theories present in games like Deus Ex and Assassin's Creed. It made me question what is real and what is manufactured, and taught me to always keep an open mind and to never fully trust what is presented to me.

- Dark Souls taught me that failure is just a stepping stone to success. It showed me that through determination and persistence, I can overcome any obstacle and emerge stronger from each setback. This game inspired me to never give up, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges.



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parttime20xx t1_j6e0ata wrote

Your Dark Souls lesson I learned from fighting games.

GTA IV taught me its not easy to come to this country and make a new life. The immigrant experience is harder than anything I'll do. Much respect.


claudiorpr t1_j6e0d10 wrote

Same for Dark Souls. And I started to finish games lol wich I didn't before because I would quit at the first struggle.


MHunter1A t1_j6e2i1z wrote

You get to die three times before it's game over


ShroomTheMushronin t1_j6e34w3 wrote

Contra taught me, if you're struggling in life, just press up, up, down, down, left, right, a, b and get 30 more lives ๐Ÿ‘€


WindUpShoe t1_j6e37f5 wrote

Sometimes, you don't want to.... but thou fucking must
-Dragon Quest


qdude124 t1_j6e396o wrote

Old School Runescape taught me that no matter how hard you try you can never get 99 in all skills.


Dedward5 t1_j6e4gv5 wrote

Click things and see what happens.


GreedyDiceGoblin t1_j6e6ywg wrote

RiME taught me that everyone grieves a great loss in their own way, and that letting go is okay.


OccamsBrokenChainsaw t1_j6e8c84 wrote

Both Dishonored and MW taught me about paitience and to think things through a bit while thinking of humiliating ways to take down targets.


SardonicSeraphim t1_j6e9b44 wrote

When life is hard and trying to kill you, try finger but hole


Overland4456 t1_j6e9jft wrote

Journey.. I cant really put it into words but.. just this


baldagent47 t1_j6ef4ak wrote

Monkey Island taught me I should never pay more than 20 bucks for a video game


JFarraday t1_j6etvk2 wrote

Sad, that moat answers are bad jokes. I think if you dob't learn from games, you are missibg a big part of the reason games exist.

I learned from:

Minecraft how creativity works and how simple intrinsic livestyle choices can add a lot of value to live

Portal how recontextualising ideas add a lot of value to those ideas

Mario how trying again and again and being ambitious you can beat a seemingly impossible challange


norppa57 t1_j6f3wpx wrote

A life lesson that stuck with me from RPGs is that everything that happens to you gives you xp (experience), there is no need to avoid making tough decisions or mistakes, you get xp either way.


fefsgdsgsgddsvsdv t1_j6fmu7h wrote

Invest resources aggressively if it helps you get to a place of generating more resources.

All RTS games are like this, saving resources is almost always a bad idea.

RPGs are like this too. But many people donโ€™t get it and they finish the game having never used even 50% of their items


BoBoBearDev t1_j6fpcol wrote

KOTOR 2, the hologram asked me what I would do if I received Intel about incoming invasion. And the decision is surprisingly deep.

Because if I evaluated the city, I missed the opportunity to deal a heavy blow to the enemy, enemies would know there is a spy and they would likely catch my high valued informants. The war would last longer and lose more people and money.

But, if I took the opportunity to take a decisive blow and pretending I don't know about the incoming invasion. While I sacrifice a few people to save more people in the long run, my reputation is to protect the people would be questioned. So, may face two battles, at home or at the front line.

A war is not only about skillfulness, it is also about politics and rhetorics. Whcuh reminded me of the story of the three kingdoms, the so called Heroric three brothers, the oldest brother is actually a super manipulative ambitious cheap ass leader. A perfect wolf in sheep's clothing. And the story always advertised him as hero when he is actually the villan. No matter how good a leader on the other side is, once they lost the propaganda, they lost their war.


balmy777 t1_j6fqatm wrote

Verdun showed me war is hell a bit


3Cheers4Apathy t1_j6h724f wrote

I learned money management from all the business simulation games I played as a kid, most notably Aerobiz and Roller Coaster Tycoon.

I learned how loans are good for helping invest and grow your business but too many of them makes it really hard to maintain positive cash flow. I learned to keep my borrowing to a minimum and avoid debt as much as possible.

It has served me well in real life.