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Kiwi_Cannon_50 t1_j6ht31k wrote

Spoilers for pretty much every main zelda game


>!Majora (from Majora's mask) is really fucking spooky. The more you think about what exactly it is the scarier it gets. !<

>!Like, every other main antagonist in the franchise has a pretty clean cut origin and motive. Ganon's an evil god reborn into the flesh of man, Zant is an extra demensional being from the twilight zone and Ghirahim is the servent and sword spirit to the evil god. Just to name a few.!<

>!But Majora? It's just a freaky, horribly possesed and terrifyingly powerful mask. It's only clear goal is "destroy literally everything" and despite it's horrific motives, the only personality traits it ever really shows is ones of a child. Doing funny dances, taunting people and once you finally get to the final area, the personification of Majora is just a lonely child sitting under a tree who seemingly views itself as the hero of the world and link as the villain.!<

>!Majora is just as much of an anigma as everything else in that game and I think it was the perfect antagonist for it.!<