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tea_snob10 t1_j6lwta5 wrote

This a good worldview however objectively true (and untrue) things do exist as well.

Sekiro is another great example. The game inherently demands you master, not just learn, but truly master it's unique combat system. There is no grind for xp like previous souls games to bail you out and so lots of players embraced the challenge and finished the game and found an unparalleled sense of achievement, however others could not come to terms with their inability to master the combat and therefore began blaming the game for being 'too hard' rather than coming to terms with the fact that they were simply, at that point, unable to master the system.

I myself haven't beaten the game because of exactly this reason. It's far easier to blame something else than to accept your own inability or failure and work on it. It can't be, it just cannot be that I'm not good enough or that I couldn't get the combat, therefore its the games fault.

Edit : Spelling
