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chandlerwithaz t1_j6lxqzl wrote

here is my opinion i think the first game is a very great concept and story, game play is eh. 2 was very good in gameplay and story got a little weird. the spin offs either have good mechanics, good story or good visuals. 3 was trying to do too much im still excited for the future and i still have to finish melody of memories.

my favorite in terms of story is 358/2 i think i have very fond memories of the game and it was the only one where i truly felt hurt. kh3 made me cry but it is because i was so happy to see my days trio


ohtetraket t1_j6mtwpk wrote

>here is my opinion i think the first game is a very great concept and story, game play is eh.

Really? I think the gameplay was very fun not as deep and fun as 2s but still very solid foundation. You notice the age of the game immediatly but imo the only eh gameplay "feature" was the camera xD


chandlerwithaz t1_j6o980h wrote

the camera and the platforming was not very thought out. and i believe warp gummi blocks were a final mix feature in the original you had to physically fly between every world. correct me if i am wrong there.