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Sabetha1183 t1_j6m7ucc wrote

If you're giving something a 2/10 and calling it garbage, that's not really just acknowledging the flaws anymore. That's just calling it bad.

There's also a difference between "I can see why somebody might not like this" and "this is a flaw of the game".

Sure we can say that RDR objectively has a lot of horse riding in it, but as to it being a flaw? Well, what happens if you think it's a flaw of the game and I think it wasn't merely tolerate but was actively a good part of the game that made it better?

Is one of us wrong? What exactly is the deciding factor in choosing who is wrong? If neither of us is wrong, then "just accept it's a flaw and you like it" feels like it kind of falls apart here.

That's what I'm getting at. Now granted a lot of people struggle to accept "People like different things, and some might think something you like is actually a flaw".

I think it also works both ways, and a lot of people struggle with the reverse: Some people might think something you think is a flaw, is actually a strength.

Ultimately at the end of the day people just ought to not care as much what random people on the internet think of the thing they like.