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FishbowlMonarchy t1_j6mksl0 wrote

Bio shock 1 definitely felt like a horror game playing it as it came out,definitely not survival but still


Xerazal t1_j6ng0ic wrote

I guess the reason I don't call it a horror game is because it doesn't have tons of scary moments. It just has scary moments sprinkled here and there. Horror doesn't feel like the main drive of the game, it just uses some horrific elements to sell its world and atmosphere. It does a good job of making you feel uneasy, especially on your first playthrough. But nothing that really makes you jump out of your seat. It also doesn't help that there's really no penalty to dying when playing the game on its default settings. Yeah, you can turn off the Vita Chambers if you really want to make the game more tense. But beyond that the ability to save wherever you want kind of mitigates that too.