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ehxy OP t1_j6l76o5 wrote

Hey I just wanna know what game gets everyone out of their gaming slump. You can go somehwere else.


Zerthax t1_j6l9rml wrote

I went through a slump and dialed it down by stepping away from long story-driven games to more roguelites and arcade games.

The key here is that I selected games that were more casual and easier to pick up/set down.


Ditzfough t1_j6l86jp wrote

It would be different for everyone. When im in a slump i stop playing all games for about 18 months. I read books study other hobbies. Research new weird trivia. Focus on family. Then i deep dive games again.

Its normal. You are human.


Tinted-Glass-2031 t1_j6la1xc wrote

My dad's thing as a kid was basketball. Into his teens, into early adulthood with the neighborhood dads. I only know this from conjecture - I've never seen him pick up a basketball in my life. My uncle owns over 40 musical instruments, but I've never once seen him play.

These things happen all the time as people age, life changes, and interests evolve. No one would think twice about my dad not playing ball anymore - not even him. I bet a couple of decades ago, he would have called it a "slump".

These days I see a lot of people trying to cling to their interest in gaming, when it's a hobby just like anything else. The takeaway is that if you aren't enjoying it, do something you do enjoy.


ehxy OP t1_j6lc7gt wrote

yeah, hate to say it but you're probably right. It's just time to get a new hobby.