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ehxy OP t1_j6lbkgl wrote

That's the thing, I've got 5yrs on you but my career is fine I'm as stable as one can get and just gotta keep on developing and working. I've been just debating on getting another job because gaming is that boring. I took the woman out and had a nice dinner, took care of her and she's off doing her things she needs to take care of and this is an off work out day because I went yesterday and I'm recovering.

Just...nothing is interesting me....


Theurbanalchemist t1_j6ldccm wrote

After reading this comment, I went and watched a clip of the South Park episode where Stan sees everything turn to shit and he can’t enjoy anything or anyone. I get like that and not saying that’s where you are, but I empathize about nothing interesting you and wondering why.

I hope you find that spark to bring you back. I’ve battled — and still do — depression. Sometimes it’s not depression, just apathy. I explored new hobbies, met new people, and tried to unpack what about the things that once interested me had that effect and what that looks like as I get older.

It can seem minuscule at first too. I went from not being able to afford games to Pre-ordering and day one buys to now looking at sales for cheap gems to enjoy one day, when I feel better.

I wish you all the best 🫂