Submitted by ehxy t3_10plu61 in gaming

Guys, I feel like, it all started with FF7R. It's something I've been wanting for a long time and when I finally got LOOKS amazing but...I got bored of playing it half way through. The ghost train filler section was a slog. I've been bored of everything except games that are in the top of the top...HZD, God of War, CP2077 I've blitzed right through.

I can't bring myself to finish off Deus Ex man kind I get so goddamn bored half way through the first area...

I play satisfactory and then I get to a point where I have to remake my entire setup for the 4th time and I think...welp, I'm good.

Hi-Fi Rush the latest craze is alright, it's neat but I'm just not invested even though I completely recognize it looks fantastic and its style just works and I'm not saying it's a bad game at all. It's just not a game I want to play.

I play heroes of the storm off and on more consistantly than any other game. I COULD play the dead space remake but I worry that I won't give a shit 1/4 of the way through considering I've played the first to death already.

Is there something wrong with me?

I feel like the only games I want to play at this moment would be TLOU on PC, and Ghost of T if it ever came to PC but nothing else really tickles me.



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Dag-Yankee t1_j6l7h4s wrote

It happens to quite a few of us. If you did a search of this forum you'd see this pop up quite often. Find something else to fill your time . Maybe it's time to get a new hobby.


Tinted-Glass-2031 t1_j6l8sos wrote

Gaming burnout is real. Consider all the games you've played over the years - every new game you pick up has more competition for your enjoyment than the last. RPG's are my bread and butter genre, but I rarely play them anymore because I recognize builds too easily. I come up with something that nearly breaks any challenge the game has, and can't force myself to intentionally weaken my setup or experiment the way I used to.

Play a lot of nearly any genre, and you'll begin to predict what's coming, and no longer get hit by an incredible surprise or mechanic you wouldn't have expected. Fewer and fewer surprises and innovations- everything that you've seen before in X game becomes a quality comparison when it comes up in Y game. Competetive multiplayer games dominate the industry because the complexity of a human opponent is incredibly hard to match.

There's nothing wrong with you - you just need to broaden your horizons. Either try out some genres you never thought you'd like, or try out new ways to spend your free time that aren't gaming, and come back later. We want every new game we play to feel new the way they did when we first started gaming, but new games often reuse what's been done before, so depending on you and the title, it's possible very little of what you encounter in a "new" game is actually new to you.


CutestCatfish t1_j6ns5vz wrote

I'm going through this a bit myself right now. Just sounds a little like burnout. You can get burned out even on something you love. Maybe taking a break and investing in another hobby for a bit would be a good idea. I have no doubt you'll find your love for gaming again. But right now trying to force yourself to enjoy it isn't going to make your relationship with it better--might even have the opposite effect. Take some time and come back for a game that looks interesting or exciting when you feel like you're ready to dive back in.


Theurbanalchemist t1_j6l8xyn wrote

In addition to what everyone said above, there are many videos on YouTube with this same topic. “Gaming isn’t fun anymore” “Gaming, Halo, and getting Older” Type any of those titles and the suggested videos will get deep and personal on where they are in their journey and where they started.

For me, it’s a matter of perspective and prioritization. I’m 28, still trying to get along in my career field and struggling a bit. Staying on the game all day doesn’t feel productive to me anymore, but when I am productive, I can reward myself with a nice gaming session complete with my vices and desires. That’s how I enjoy gaming. It feels better for me when it’s earned


ehxy OP t1_j6lbkgl wrote

That's the thing, I've got 5yrs on you but my career is fine I'm as stable as one can get and just gotta keep on developing and working. I've been just debating on getting another job because gaming is that boring. I took the woman out and had a nice dinner, took care of her and she's off doing her things she needs to take care of and this is an off work out day because I went yesterday and I'm recovering.

Just...nothing is interesting me....


Theurbanalchemist t1_j6ldccm wrote

After reading this comment, I went and watched a clip of the South Park episode where Stan sees everything turn to shit and he can’t enjoy anything or anyone. I get like that and not saying that’s where you are, but I empathize about nothing interesting you and wondering why.

I hope you find that spark to bring you back. I’ve battled — and still do — depression. Sometimes it’s not depression, just apathy. I explored new hobbies, met new people, and tried to unpack what about the things that once interested me had that effect and what that looks like as I get older.

It can seem minuscule at first too. I went from not being able to afford games to Pre-ordering and day one buys to now looking at sales for cheap gems to enjoy one day, when I feel better.

I wish you all the best 🫂


BarkyBonce t1_j6l9pk1 wrote

It depends what you look for in a game.

I completed FF7 on the PS2 way back when (it was pirated on CD's as it was before DVDR's!)

and I couldn't get into the remake at all..

I like a good story with good characters and have enjoyed so many games it is hard to list them all.

Don't give up, there are loads of great games that are now almost free (Epic & CDKeys), Games beat any other enertainment hands down, I have a rule that £1 per hour is good value less than this is better and more is worse, movies fail this test big time!

Get Epic games, you don't need to get Fortnite (I would ithough as I started in Oct 2022 and have been having a blast!) as they give one or two free games away weekly (daily over Xmas!), I have played 50 or more games like this and it cost £0! (GTA V included!),you are literally nothing out for trying (you can add them to your library to dowload later!)

I have really enjoyed- Detroit Become Human, Watchdogs 1 & 2, Dead Space 1-3 (not remakes), Bioshock trilogy, Assasins Creed's, Cyberpunk 2077 (bought for £10 a year after release! - 375 hours!), Days Gone,Death Stranding, RDR2, GTA V, Borderlands inc Tiny Tina & Tales from but not the original!

Sorry I forgot Control and the best game ever in my opion Prey (don't look it up just play it, it is way too easily spoilt (My daughter suggested it)


ReallyHighCloud t1_j6lavr4 wrote

Take time off, or time to revisit some of your favorite games of the past. I often find myself blown out, but revisit the Dreamcast pretty often. A lot of times the simpler gameplay/story lines are a nice reset.


ehxy OP t1_j6lbxk3 wrote

I can't do that. retro/nostalgia gaming is something I just can't do. Thanks for the advice tho!


clozepin t1_j6lc5kl wrote

Yeah. I go through phases. Probably entering one now. Just finished Forbidden West and don’t have anything lined up to play next. I’ll probably not play anything for a few weeks or months and then something will pique my interest. It’s a good time to explore other hobbies or things you’ve been putting off. I’m glad for these lulls, to be honest.


MajinBuuMan t1_j6lcfy8 wrote

I just play my "core games". Things like Factorio, Ocarina of Time, Majoras Mask, Cities Skylines, Chrono Trigger, Resident Evil 1 and 4.

Stuff I can sink time in to that always immerse me. Like starting a fresh run in Chrono Trigger and doing all endings. Or fresh Zelda run and unlocking EVERYTHING.


ehxy OP t1_j6ll3cz wrote

i never could do that, I used to play through FF7 once a year but then one year I just stopped. I just don't do nostalgia gaming anymore.


soverign_son t1_j6ldv16 wrote

If you haven't played it yet, outer wilds will make you love video games again. JS


Character-Bird7796 t1_j6lh3fz wrote

Find a show you like put it on in the background while you play cod sometimes that is my favorite thing to do to get back into enjoying games


ehxy OP t1_j6ljy2m wrote

i have done that to death tbh


[deleted] t1_j6lhxl7 wrote



ehxy OP t1_j6lkdn4 wrote

Been there.

cleared out a camp. cleared out a fort with medical stations and cleared it out, explored and looted.

haven't gone back. I feel like games try too hard to set the stage and try to be some sort of cinematic experience now. As soon as a cutscene/locke dscripted sequence starts I hope I can skip it or I do something else until it's over.

dying light 2 was so fucking disappointing I feel like if they just didn't have a story team it would have been 80% better


leonhhh t1_j6m4x65 wrote

Try some indie games instead, those that doesn't focus on graphics but focus on gameplay.

Would recommend Tunic if you haven't play it


PrinceDizzy t1_j6mj4or wrote

The fact that you are excited about playing 10 year old console game on PC then maybe it's time to get a console?


ehxy OP t1_j6mpa8a wrote

well, it's coming to pc, I can't stand sub 60fps and not on at least 120hz


AshyLarry25 t1_j6n2ema wrote

Take a break, play shorter games.


Thrillhouse138 t1_j6nhkbb wrote

Like a lot of people here I think you need to change up what you play or take a break. Same thing has happened to me several times (my first console was an nes) maybe check out some indie games. I really got into some cool rogue likes (20xx dead cells risk of rain)


SJokes t1_j6nzc3r wrote

Been going throught the same thing myself the past couple years. I've also been struggling to enjoy playing games and whenever I do all I can think is that I'd rather be on youtube or watching a show or something. I've tried a dopamine detox, and even went without playing any games for several months, but I've haven't had the feeling of rushing out of bed to play games first thing in the morning for years. However I also find myself playing and enjoying the AAA games really easy like cyberpunk too, but not on the same level as before. But, I have found that I tend to enjoy games more at late hours like 10pm-2am nowadays.


tcavallo t1_j6l8ceu wrote

You’re growing up, that’s all.


CutestCatfish t1_j6nsiym wrote

Grownups play video games. My BIL is in his 50's and still plays video games and tabletop. He's an incredibly responsible, intelligent, and productive individual. Some people may find they like games less and less as they age, but that's just personal preference. I think the gaming community as a whole is really over the "games are for children" narrative.


Jaffhardt t1_j6leyxg wrote

You consider Returnal? Maybe the best game I’ve ever played and very different feel from other games I’ve played. Since that game I feel like I’ve been searching for something like it but there is nothing quite like it.


ehxy OP t1_j6lkr0r wrote

I've heard good things and look forward to giving it a shot. the only thing is I've stayed away from risk of rain 2 and not sure if returnal is in the same veign but just looks better.


ThegatiX t1_j6l6u7d wrote

Then quit bitching and don't fucking play games? I mean who cares, it's not a big deal


ehxy OP t1_j6l76o5 wrote

Hey I just wanna know what game gets everyone out of their gaming slump. You can go somehwere else.


Zerthax t1_j6l9rml wrote

I went through a slump and dialed it down by stepping away from long story-driven games to more roguelites and arcade games.

The key here is that I selected games that were more casual and easier to pick up/set down.


Ditzfough t1_j6l86jp wrote

It would be different for everyone. When im in a slump i stop playing all games for about 18 months. I read books study other hobbies. Research new weird trivia. Focus on family. Then i deep dive games again.

Its normal. You are human.


Tinted-Glass-2031 t1_j6la1xc wrote

My dad's thing as a kid was basketball. Into his teens, into early adulthood with the neighborhood dads. I only know this from conjecture - I've never seen him pick up a basketball in my life. My uncle owns over 40 musical instruments, but I've never once seen him play.

These things happen all the time as people age, life changes, and interests evolve. No one would think twice about my dad not playing ball anymore - not even him. I bet a couple of decades ago, he would have called it a "slump".

These days I see a lot of people trying to cling to their interest in gaming, when it's a hobby just like anything else. The takeaway is that if you aren't enjoying it, do something you do enjoy.


ehxy OP t1_j6lc7gt wrote

yeah, hate to say it but you're probably right. It's just time to get a new hobby.