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eatpocketsand t1_j6p0t28 wrote

Good game is a good game. Also remakes are a great way for publishers to test interest, i'm betting for a brand new Dead Space in a couple years


zillskillnillfrill t1_j6p4ytp wrote

Absolutely, companies like EA are just testing the waters. Considering that for a while they've just been relying on their guaranteed high sales games at thw cost of every other IP they own. Seems to me like a change of management. I'm still waiting for the next skate game 😅


eatpocketsand t1_j6p5bk1 wrote

Yeah, EA is doing pretty well now. Skate is coming and there's new Dragon Age and Mass Effect on the way too.


zillskillnillfrill t1_j6p5muj wrote

Not to mention their fantastic star wars efforts. It seems that they actually listened to all the backlash they've have had in the past 10 years