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floridbored t1_j7iu477 wrote

‘cause most people have a heat gun lying around (I do NOW, after many years)


[deleted] t1_j7j24mk wrote

Pouring from one small container to a similar but deeper small container. Hmmm.


phizappa t1_j7ji803 wrote

11 secret…shhh…spices and herbs.


jrey800 t1_j7kdm3m wrote

There’s literally a fire hazard symbol on the can, this isn’t smart, it’s insanely lucky


SaveFailsafe t1_j7kedog wrote

What was wrong with the first container that it needed to be poured into another?


BuffaloInCahoots t1_j7kndhe wrote

If it’s still the same as it was years ago, a lot of them will. I did stain and lacquer work for a summer. At the end of the day, all the stain rags would go in a metal bucket with water in it. We’d put a lid on it and set it in a wide open area.


azducky t1_j7kpydy wrote

So you got an empty bottle but instead of using the bottle as is you cut it up and play with power tools (exaggerated) to form a hybrid bottle? Maybe instead of buying a $20 heat gun you buy a $1 funnel.


xmromi t1_j7kuxde wrote

The thick and short stub of a thumb... can't be unseen


Qataghani t1_j7lbbw2 wrote

lol yes when you open the lid like that its goner, you need a new


dublea t1_j7lf2ib wrote

I would also be concerned. Add that most plastic doesn't magically shrink when heat is applied; like that bottle does.

There's a reason I don't use short form content for educational purposes... F that.


NegaDeath t1_j7ljy3y wrote

Mines currently on fire. Should I apply more heat?


ChanThe4th t1_j7ln3u5 wrote

This is a HORRIBLE idea that could genuinely result in sickness.

These plastics are not designed to be heated and melted then eaten out of again, they are EXTREMELY fragile to temperature unless SPECIFICALLY designed to endure them.

DO NOT DO THIS unless you are 10000% sure this plastic won't release toxic or cancerous chemicals that will be absorbed by the food or liquids running over them.


Frundle t1_j7lq8vx wrote

They're more safe in the can, and the flash point is high. Where they become most dangerous is when a rag or towel is used to wipe up excess and then thrown away. As the finish cures, it releases enough heat that it can ignite the rest of the trash.

Supposedly, the fire that burned Seattle to the ground in 1889 was started by a glue pot in a woodworker's shop.


m_i_c_r_o_b_i_a_l t1_j7lqjv9 wrote

Finishes with drying oils like boiled linseed or tung are known for doing this. They self heat as they polymerize so a pile of them could heat up to the ignition temperature because the heat won’t escape. Placing them in a bucket with plenty of water prevents this by the thermal mass of the water and blocking the oxidation of the oil. Laying them flat away from each other also works by preventing the heat from building up.

Putting a flame or heat gun next to the finish isn’t such a great idea either. There’s often flammable chemicals in finishes beyond just the oils.


m_i_c_r_o_b_i_a_l t1_j7lrlz0 wrote

This isn’t a good idea with almost any oil based wood finish. This would leave a lot of oxygen in the container so it will solidify if you don’t use it in a few weeks.

I purge my finish cans with argon from my welder to keep the can usable longer. It’s cheaper than bloxigen at the wood working shops.

Also wipe up messes so your can doesn’t need the jaws of life to open them.


drawredraw t1_j7lth3j wrote

I like how they intentionally destroy the lid to make it look like a useful trick.


keener91 t1_j7m1fap wrote

Is anyone posting to his Snapchat to stop idiots for doing this themselves?


keener91 t1_j7m1gos wrote

Is anyone posting to his Snapchat to stop idiots for doing this themselves?


CrushablePaper t1_j7m3p4b wrote

Neat trick 👍 check if the stuff is uv sensitive if you're going to store it like this


Vispin92 t1_j7mfclh wrote

Umm, burned plastic fumes are toxic, aren't they.


[deleted] t1_j7ml4d4 wrote

Video maker forgot to think about why the manufacturer didn't put the contents in a bottle to begin with, and why they put it in a container that can be resealed air tight.


DrEnd585 t1_j7n44cr wrote

An actual fucking lifehack. Kinda neat


EMAW2008 t1_j7o3bnb wrote

Holy fuck don’t do that if it’s flammable/combustible.