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RaNerve t1_j8n6rkh wrote

This is CGI, right? It’s really well done but the reflections on the first ball aren’t correct. The man filming isn’t center of the reflection and what is being reflected doesn’t line up 1 to 1.

Edit: after looking around I found an article that had an interview and different camera angles. It’s real! Although I’m still lot sure why this guy doesn’t show up in the ball’s reflection? I guess it’s just a trick of the light or the camera isn’t strong enough.


RaNerve t1_j8n9ocu wrote

That article is just reporting the existence of this video and the video is all they cite as their source of anything happening. I tried googling myself and there are plenty of reports about the video and what the video shows, but no one seems to have bothered checking if what’s IN the video actually happened.

Edit: Nevermind I found one that has an interview and separate footage! It’s real.


TimeWizardGreyFox t1_j8nh0oj wrote

you can actually see the guy filming on the second ball for a few frames.


Newnewhuman t1_j8n79by wrote

Lately after seen what AI can do I have trust issues on anything I see on internet.