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Geralt_the_Rive t1_j8o6hrb wrote

It looks like it's breathing, interesting.


Hadochiel t1_j8qxinl wrote

And with each passing year, the lung gets smaller and smaller


jane_q t1_j8rer6y wrote

Look, kids! This is what "ice" was like!


jacket13 t1_j8rb2o8 wrote

Ice caps are growing again, lung is getting bigger. Remember climate positive news is never shared by news outlets because "it does not get enough clicks".


Hadochiel t1_j8rba28 wrote

I'm actually fine with positive news regarding the climate not being shared too much, as not nearly enough is done about climate change.

There's enough deniers around, you wouldn't want them to get more ammo for their "see? There's no climate problem" gun


DeepSpaceNebulae t1_j8t0mmd wrote

It’s slightly more complicated than “it’s growing”

If you’re talking about Antarctica, it has warmed (at a rate much faster than elsewhere) which increases precipitation. In the short term that means more cumulative snowfall and ice build up. Long term, that trend will reverse as the warming losses begin to outweigh the precipitation increase

If you’re talking and in the arctic, then that is very misleading. While, yes, the winter has ice sheets growing at rates faster than decades ago, it is melting at even faster rates in the summer. So in the end every year has less and less ice