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APIPAMinusOneHundred t1_j8tmjk7 wrote

Return of the Living Dead. Though it was tongue in cheek this movie scared the living shit out of 13 year old me.


Jsnooots t1_j8tsy2n wrote

Dancing nude scene in the graveyard and pickaxe to the zombie head? 13 year old me agreed.


farleys2 t1_j8xfthr wrote

Legit…45 now and still have the occasional tar man nightmare. Love this movie tho. And the soundtrack.

Fun fact…the director of this…wrote the original Alien movie.


Alpha433 t1_j8zytar wrote

And Peter Jackson, before showing us the glory of middle earth, made a film about an aussie slaying zombified townsfolk infected by a deep jungle rat mokey thing.

It's amazing how strange the previous works of many celebrated artists usually end up being.


Deelaxation t1_j8zzxlt wrote

That movie was called Dead Alive aka Braindead. Also, don't forget about Bad Taste, another crazy campy horror movie he was involved in.


Alpha433 t1_j900rja wrote

Never seen bad taste, but dear God is dead alive phenomenal. The number of quotable lines and stupid out of context scenes alone make it a must watch, but add in the gratuitous practical effects....well worth it to watch it.


Cinema_King t1_j8tw9nl wrote

Me too. I think was 9 or 10 and I remember thinking it was very scary.


RealPersonResponds t1_j8u2loi wrote

I get it, but cmon, peoples lives are ruined and many are suffering due to this tragedy caused by deregulation and corporate greed. I'm sure those in power will do nothing to fix it from happening again....sadly.


runnre_ t1_j8w9nfp wrote

It was pretty much government endorsed eco terrorism.


RusticPath t1_j8y25pp wrote

At the very least, scientists will be able to study the effects and know how something like this affects an area over time.


lastweek_monday t1_j8u7tcs wrote

Oooof this is dark. I chuckled but felt bad too lol.


Dark_sign82 t1_j8wimwj wrote

The film is still relevant it seems, in terms of the state and federal response.


No-Mark6423 t1_j8xqqlc wrote

The first zombie movie I ever saw and one that will always (ALWAYS) be near and dear to my heart ❤️


sarzec t1_j8y0x4z wrote

My favorite movie ever. I think I may be Suicide in real life

I ain't got no windows, I busted them out.


JLeeT82 t1_j8vlgjk wrote

The MMORPG graveyard, featuring the "idea guy."


Grimlockkickbutt t1_j8xe24v wrote

Norfolk be like “dammit more people we have to shell out 5 bucks to”


robmapp t1_j8w8y1i wrote

Still voting for Republicans I see


Vivectus t1_j8wfxw8 wrote

Biden signed a bill to prevent the strike that was trying to bring this very issue, among the hundreds of others, to light.


robmapp t1_j97ykpq wrote

The issue was already known and certain people decided not to move forward with future proofing


Vivectus t1_j9907od wrote

Bit late on the reply, but okay.

Yes, it's been known about by the rail company, workers as well as the Republicans and Democrats. Both parties have shot down attempts at fixing the issue. And the Democrats were the ones to sign a bill, that shit on the only real attempt at creating a situation where the public was not just aware, but enraged.

Ya know, the way a strike works.

Your link is literally just explaining that. Now, run along.


robmapp t1_j9ch3sj wrote

Yea I'm late to reply because I don't sit on reddit responding to every comment.

You keep mentioning the strike but that is one part of it. I'm looking at the overall picture, which spans back years. I'm looking at preventative measures that would and should have been enacted. But due to politics and greed, we moved away from those measures.

We should have equipped the trains with a better braking system. Could it have helped avoid the situation? Possibly? But we won't know because we picked the other option with predictable results. The same thing can be said about the strike.

If you wanted real change, both democrats and republicans should have moved forward with the best solution to ensure public safety. Which again, the Obama Admin tried to do. The best solution was to future proof train brakes and railroad workers safety. Pure and simple. One party did not want to do that and here we are.

If you don't want to have a civil convo and be a dick, just don't respond.