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pvballer t1_j9nc0h0 wrote

This is a Tokay gecko. Most geckos are much smaller. Tokays are one of the largest gecko species, known for their particularly nasty bites and defensive nature.

And yes they bark. Geckos are quite vocal.


drekia t1_j9pfwxs wrote

These guys are so elusive. I lived in the Philippines for 12 years and was always able to hear their squeaky little mating calls but never actually saw them.


ohhellopia t1_j9qn8h5 wrote

I used to go on vacations in a pretty rural area -- I'd live in a hut house with a tin roof while I'm there. On really hot days, the tin roof gets extremely hot and they'd let go from the ceiling, plopping down to the floor. Scared the crap out of me. I always slept with the mosquito netting over me, more for tokay falling off the roof protection than mosquitos.


AthenasChosen t1_j9qo0fr wrote

My grandpa said when he was serving in Vietnam, there was an animal that would say "Fuck you" in the jungle that you could hear all the time. It was the Tokay geckos lol.


likesexonlycheaper t1_j9qx9oq wrote

I dunno if they are the same but when I was visiting Bali there were geckos that always sounded like they were a kid saying "help me". It was pretty creepy in the middle of the night.


drekia t1_j9qy065 wrote

I always thought they were literally saying “geck-oh”! Or sometimes “weh-oh”


oyelaking t1_j9qxpnl wrote

I don’t know man, but that sounds like an awesome deal to me. My sincerest hope is that I never lay eyes on one of these fuckers.


woodsciguy t1_j9qqj9j wrote

I had one for a pet. When i bought it at the reptile pet store the guy selling it said it was tge only thing in the srore that they guaranteed will bite you. It was a pain in the ass and constantly escaped. Beautiful though. Purple with orange spots. Fed it mice...


Soma2710 t1_j9qrvav wrote

Used to work in a pet store where we sold these.

You had to dunk it under water in order to release its jaws from your hands. I made the mistake once of cleaning their habitats without gloves.

They are indeed beautiful creatures, though!


pvballer t1_j9qv9iu wrote

I have one right now! He’s actually somewhat socialized where I’m not too scared of him biting but I am still very careful. I’m always scared of him getting out and then having to try to catch him however.

Their pattern and colors are super unique.


SheriffBartholomew t1_j9rbl2v wrote

I had one two separate times. They're probably the meanest pets I've ever had. Both times I ended up too traumatized by the constant attacks to keep caring for them and found them more tolerant caretakers.