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woodsciguy t1_j9qqj9j wrote

Reply to comment by pvballer in Curiosity killed the... by LoudlyTrashy

I had one for a pet. When i bought it at the reptile pet store the guy selling it said it was tge only thing in the srore that they guaranteed will bite you. It was a pain in the ass and constantly escaped. Beautiful though. Purple with orange spots. Fed it mice...


Soma2710 t1_j9qrvav wrote

Used to work in a pet store where we sold these.

You had to dunk it under water in order to release its jaws from your hands. I made the mistake once of cleaning their habitats without gloves.

They are indeed beautiful creatures, though!


pvballer t1_j9qv9iu wrote

I have one right now! He’s actually somewhat socialized where I’m not too scared of him biting but I am still very careful. I’m always scared of him getting out and then having to try to catch him however.

Their pattern and colors are super unique.


SheriffBartholomew t1_j9rbl2v wrote

I had one two separate times. They're probably the meanest pets I've ever had. Both times I ended up too traumatized by the constant attacks to keep caring for them and found them more tolerant caretakers.