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kotik010 t1_j9zsyhq wrote

Just shoot yourself and save everyone else the trouble at that point. Oh and make sure you're registered for organ donation so you do some good for the world


CraftyAsAWitch t1_j9zu6eq wrote

Excuse my American ignorance, but is he smoking behind a fuel truck??


12kdaysinthefire t1_ja0cruw wrote

Had a gf once who owned a Geo Tracker. Thing weighed nothing. On highways she’d get right up on trucks and then just let go of the wheel. The drag caused by the truck would pull her along at speed. I almost shit my pants the first time.


FCAsheville t1_ja0dvje wrote

r/nextfuckinglevel if you ask me 😉


philpalmer2 t1_ja13ten wrote

Did this one time in when young in the eighties. Was on a Yamaha 650 two hours from home and not enough gas (or cash) to get there. We drifted tractor trailers on stretches of I-80 for a bit.

It’s amazing how the pocket inside the trucks slipstream so easily pull a bike along.

The no visibility thing is nuts. But… if staying alert bikes stop way shorter then tractor trailers if the brakes come on.

I think we still ran out of gas, tho. Lol


GreyNGroovy t1_ja180fo wrote

Just one tiiiiny little break check and the world would be 0.00001% smarter


vlsdo t1_ja1m1ae wrote

Apart from not being able to see the road in front of you (and thus not able to avoid potholes or oil slicks), it's not that bad. Even if the truck hits the brakes hard, as long as you react quickly, you can stop much faster.


Don_Ford t1_ja23trr wrote

Fuel trucks that carrying gasoline are not as highly flammable as implied when carried properly.

now if the truck crashed... that's a different story because the air to liquid ratio is correct


seamustheseagull t1_ja2glvr wrote

1 metre from the back of the vehicle, it doesn't matter how quickly the bike can stop. If the truck reduces speed by just 3.6km/h (approx 2mph), then you have just 1 second to notice and grab your brakes before your front wheel hits the back of the truck. If the truck really jams on, you'll hit the back of the truck before your brain has even registered that the brake lights have come on.


Kyetsi t1_ja2h4cp wrote

yeah no if the truck brakes hard theres no chance in hell the guy has a chance to react..

you grossly overestimate the human reaction time especially when being that close to the truck.


seamustheseagull t1_ja2h4v5 wrote

You can't react quicker at this distance. Amazing how much faith people put in their reaction times.

If the truck hits the brakes to stop (say there's a queue of traffic ahead), you will have about 300ms to hit the brakes on your bike after you notice the truck brake lights come on.

Go do a reaction test online to see just how quick 300ms is.

You might manage to react in time for a minor brake check or lapse in concentration from the driver. But for an actual slow down, you're fucked.


IronMaskx t1_ja6e6b9 wrote

In my military days I was moonlighting as a fueler from time to time and the fuelers often smokes while filling/fueling and tending to the fuel farm. One was smoking while filling up a tanker with JP-8 and leaned and dropped his cigarette into the fueler, He quickly leapt from the truck and kept running... nothing happened.