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pipboyover9000 t1_jb1643l wrote

That’s one thing culturally that America does better than 99% of the rest of the world, sportsmanship in regard to visiting fans.

Granted it’s not the same everywhere, if you go to Philly, be expected to get shouted at. But if you’re going to a college football game in a midwestern state, I’ve seen home team fans buy drinks and recommend places to eat for visiting fans, regularly. Allowing other fans in the bars makes it more fun, like they are actually apart of a rivalry and that allows for banter


UnraveledMnd t1_jb19r1v wrote

Even Philly's bad reputation amongst US sports fandoms is tame compared to sports fandom in the rest of the world.


finnjakefionnacake t1_jb19drg wrote

that's because it's literally just other people. like other human beings, lol. they're not some eldritch creatures come to kill you and the opposing team. they just are fans of someone else...probably just because they live there.

the idea that anyone has to be outwardly, actually hostile toward anyone because of team affiliation is insane.


ammonium_bot t1_jb34f1t wrote

> actually apart of a

Did you mean to say "a part of"?
Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion.
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