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Dapli t1_jay98sn wrote

I think I'll do it even if I'm from the other team just because how fun it looks lol


Bangeederlander t1_jaytjif wrote

Yeah, why does supporting one sport team mean that you have to feel offended by the existence of other ones?


AmericanoWsugar t1_jayuez3 wrote

Do you even sports?


Bangeederlander t1_jaywrer wrote

Yes, rugby. Mixed fans, no problems. Self-policing of any idiots who want to act like schoolchildren.


THEpottedplant t1_jazxebt wrote

Rugby has a lot more camradarie between teams than other sports, so i guess its to be expected with their fans


skynetempire t1_jayvw76 wrote

Because sports is gang like mentality. Some people get really bad and fight. That's why football(soccer) has to separate fans. That's why American football can get dangerous if you sit in a sea of the opposition fans. It's humans doing tribalism shit


81misfit t1_jazs6bx wrote

Jeez in England he would have been torn limb from limb. We have to have separate pubs for home and visitor supporters on match days


573IAN t1_jb0rjkk wrote

…of which we can all agree is beyond stupid for a sports team.


81misfit t1_jb0t7fx wrote

100%. It’s certanly mellowed when I was a kid. There’s 2 teams in our city and pubs were either red,blue or no team colours allowed when I was younger


pipboyover9000 t1_jb1643l wrote

That’s one thing culturally that America does better than 99% of the rest of the world, sportsmanship in regard to visiting fans.

Granted it’s not the same everywhere, if you go to Philly, be expected to get shouted at. But if you’re going to a college football game in a midwestern state, I’ve seen home team fans buy drinks and recommend places to eat for visiting fans, regularly. Allowing other fans in the bars makes it more fun, like they are actually apart of a rivalry and that allows for banter


UnraveledMnd t1_jb19r1v wrote

Even Philly's bad reputation amongst US sports fandoms is tame compared to sports fandom in the rest of the world.


finnjakefionnacake t1_jb19drg wrote

that's because it's literally just other people. like other human beings, lol. they're not some eldritch creatures come to kill you and the opposing team. they just are fans of someone else...probably just because they live there.

the idea that anyone has to be outwardly, actually hostile toward anyone because of team affiliation is insane.


ammonium_bot t1_jb34f1t wrote

> actually apart of a

Did you mean to say "a part of"?
Explanation: "apart" is an adverb meaning separately, while "a part" is a noun meaning a portion.
Total mistakes found: 2927
^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions.


Augen76 t1_jb0rtbj wrote

I know in MLS supporters are separate sections of home and away, but general areas can get smattering of away folks and rarely anything comes of it.

I'm sure there are exceptions, but a lot of people here view sport as fun entertainment rather than tribal.


Spanks79 t1_jb1ayru wrote

And actually it’s completely stupid. Love that in the USA this is possible.


runningmurphy t1_jb1lq9z wrote

You guys are as stupid for your sports teams as we are for guns... Well.... Almost as stupid as us.


The_Wack_Knight t1_jb0d3ya wrote

Someone get the lifeguard, that guy is stranded out in the middle of those massive waves!


Harflin t1_jazn6s8 wrote

He should of joined in, but out of sync.


ammonium_bot t1_jb08tno wrote

> he should of joined

Did you mean to say "should have"?
Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'.
Total mistakes found: 2900
^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions.


FoxOnShrooms t1_jazzbnx wrote

There is two of them on the right side that are going in the opposite direction

Edit: three of them


Spanks79 t1_jb1aw7f wrote

It’s great that’s it’s actually possible. In many soccer stadiums he would not have even survived getting to his seat in a shirt of the other team.


Meanteenbirder t1_jb2j514 wrote

This man is literally perfect. The no-reaction thumbs down when he realizes he’s being filmed is the cherry on top.


motofabio t1_jb75guu wrote

If he was in Los Angeles, he would get murdered.


Orangeaddict1 t1_jb0egmy wrote

That guy is keeping the collective IQ above anything it has ever been.


cazdan255 t1_jb08a2c wrote

Geez, I’d hate to be anyone here frankly.
