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__PETTYOFFICER117__ t1_jdef8e8 wrote

If you can recognize that pigs are too smart to eat, where do you draw the line? I personally went vegan when I saw a video of horrific abuses happening at a dairy farm and realized I couldn't contribute to that in any way, and subsequently began questioning my justification for any animal products I consumed.

Then it became a game of "if I'm not eating this why am I okay eating this".

Some cows are just as smart as some pigs or dogs. And if you begin to examine the moral considerations involved in measuring intelligence to determine if a being deserves to live, for me that was what led to just going full vegan.


JaggedSuplex t1_jdegf6g wrote

I’ve been dealing with this since I got a dog. I’ve found it very difficult to honestly say I’m an animal lover while consuming them. Being able to buy meat at the store or at a restaurant makes it easy to ignore how it got there. I hope lab grown meat becomes a viable option soon


rayjdragonballz t1_jdeqy0d wrote

It's the cognitive dissonance. Once you earnestly decide to be honest with yourself, it's like a switch flips


grammarpopo t1_jdeobj5 wrote

You eat your dogs?


JaggedSuplex t1_jdez7pz wrote

No but rereading my post it definitely sounds like I do. I just meant having a pet changed my connection with animals in general


grammarpopo t1_jdezy1n wrote

I know you don’t eat dogs. I was just kidding with you. With my username I just couldn’t resist. Please forgive me!


grammarpopo t1_jdeo6je wrote

I too have worked at dairies and hate that industry with a passion. I mostly don’t drink milk or other dairy, and will stop completely with the new genetically engineered products that are available and soon becoming available. I’m sorry for dairy farmers, but it is an industry that needs to go out of business for many reasons - animal abuse, environmental damage, worker safety, nuisance and not-so-nuisance odors in addition to their massive global warming impact.