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prettyfuckingdope t1_iqv8lmj wrote

Dachshunds are incredibly charismatic! My sausage has such a booming personality. Every morning she wakes, she jumps on my neck and cuddles me for approximately seven minutes, before she jumps off the bed and tells me she has to pee. She’s the best. 10/10 would recommend to everyone.


Plasma_Cosmo_9977 t1_iqv8x9z wrote

I don't know how to say what I'm seeing, like an honest face? I guess that's it, that face is an honest expression.


prettyfuckingdope t1_iqvaszr wrote

Ahh see that’s thing thing! They would have you believe they’re being honest with their cute eyeballs and their stumpy legs and their long schnoots, but it’s all a ruse so you can have that massive influx of dopamine causing you to feel amazing which also means you feed them every treat ever and then they keep being so darn cute and it’s a vicious cycle which ends in you caving to their every want and need until the end of time.

Again, 10/10 would recommend to everyone.


ryanvango t1_iqvuh5s wrote

mine is a doxxie lab mix, but he does the same thing. hes only a pup, so he still has a smallish bladder. he sleeps under the blankets, but when its time to get up he does a quick quiet pace around the room, and if i dont get up he climbs on the top of the bed where my head is and just sniffs my ears cause the noise is annoying and it wakes me up. so then if i don't get up, and I roll over, he noses my back so I'll lift the covers for him and he can crawl back under for 20 minutes. but the second my hand touches him, its game on. there's no chance. its a solid 5 minutes of whole-body wiggle cuddles, then some play fighting, then we're off to pee and poop. He loves routine. he won't get in to bed until I've gotten in and tucked myself in, then rearranged the blankets. he knows the precise minute he gets his dinner. and after breakfast he waits patiently at the stairs for my brother's dog to wake up in 20 minutes or so.

love this little monster.


farshnikord t1_iqvupn0 wrote

My dog KNEW he was cute and would turn it on if he thought he could get treats out of it. The ladies in the office of the old apartment would give treats so he would go into cute mode whenever a young to middle aged lady was nearby.

He would also go through his entire repertoire of tricks he learned when food was on the line, just like impatiently "ok here's sit, speak, roll over, lie down... just gimme the treat already! You got what you wanted!"