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ThousandFingerMan t1_iqviie9 wrote

Dachshunds' reality has very little in common with the real world, because in their world they are the biggest, baddest motherfuckers in the hood


piccolo1337 t1_iqvmsns wrote

They might not be the biggest physically. But they sure are the most baddest motherfuckers I have trained as dogs. Smart, intelligent, feisty, brutal and will protect «their» person that they have chosen, with their life. In packs Dachshunds are a force to be reckoned with. Unstoppable power.


SchwiftyTownshin t1_iqvuwgb wrote

This is a dead on description. It's a weird juxtaposition that something can be so cute, yet so intense and brutal at the same time. It's almost like owning 2 dogs in 1 sometimes.


pyro_in_wonderland t1_iqw5y8m wrote

I'm imagining a guy getting attacked by a group of dachshunds like the dude who got killed by compys in the Lost World.


SchwiftyTownshin t1_iqwty71 wrote

Lmao I instantly got this visual as well. Hopefully it wouldn’t go down exactly the same…


grendus t1_iqvy3xd wrote

They were bred to crawl into a wounded badger's nest, drag it out, and murder it.

If you're going to fight a badger, you better be cocky. Nobody who has room in their skull for fear crawls into a badger's den after the thing, even humans dig them up with something pointy.


togocann49 t1_iqxmqsc wrote

To be fair, when my 16 pound doxie barks, it is a big dog bark. When we would hang on balcony at our old place (2nd floor), he would bark at someone on the ground, they’d often look up, see our guy, then continue to look for that dog that was barking. It’s only if he barks again, or we tell the people in question (so they can relax, there’s no Cujo on the loose) that it was him. He’s also weirded out other dogs with his bark, like other dog knows they are larger, stronger dog, but our guys bark makes them question who’s in charge here


MumrikDK t1_iqxlqcg wrote

They measure by size of bark rather than mass. Our dachshund basically sounded like a GSD tier dog and acted like that was his power level too.