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v78 OP t1_is188tt wrote

Hi all! This pixel art animation is 320x200px with 43 hand drawn frames. I wish you all a great day <3

If you like this type of art and want to support me, please feel free to check my other works:

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turgid_wang t1_isbf8o9 wrote

I'm lovin it. So I've done gifs on procreate with about that many frames but rarely based on an original drawing as it seemed tedious. Is that something I could learn to do? I mean the animation of a drawing part and on procreate?


Krushemm t1_is1b9np wrote

Very cool. Any inspiration from Police Quest or other old Sierra games?


v78 OP t1_is1bg78 wrote

Thanks. Yeah I'm a retro game developer. And I grew up playing Sierra games 🧡🤩


afanofBTBAM t1_is3oed3 wrote

Ok but who's keeping track of the batch time on that concrete


v-_-v t1_is2mew9 wrote

I miss Code Monkeys...


minnimmolation t1_is1o11w wrote

That’s really neat. I like it a lot


Incompetent_Handyman t1_is3lihj wrote

Very nice, I wish I could play it. Definitely has a Sierra feel.


broom-handle t1_is52wiz wrote

Mid-90s LucasArts / Sierra vibes


littlecatgirlcat t1_is1pf8i wrote

in before a deluge of super patronising comments by bourgeoise far-left redditors who have never interacted with a member of the working class


Ferrousity t1_is45ef7 wrote

Never expected to have my love for art and my political ideology overlap on Reddit lol. Fun fact, a lot of folks are leftists because we're working class


littlecatgirlcat t1_is6f7yu wrote

yeah fair enough, nothing wrong with any of that. just didn't expect a pixel art creator to also be a construction worker. cool!


gotBooched t1_is3pxi7 wrote

Have you ever interacted with the Botha class