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DoktorThodt t1_iskq7cl wrote

Very nice work, and surprisingly satisfying to watch.


rainbowsprinkles_ OP t1_iskrlsv wrote



Antiqas86 t1_isnxm0f wrote

Hi, OP. May I ask what you used to fixate preserve your work if this skateboard is going to be used to skate?


kcaJkcalB t1_ism3dk1 wrote

Nice work I would add a random solid Color on occasional areas like a red or a blue just to bolden things up


Luke_Orlando t1_isnnsjp wrote

Monochromatic art is attractive to many people on its own. I do a lot of ink-stipple projects, and a LOT of people say "you should add a splash of color!"

But those people don't have any interest in then buying that piece of art.

They just feel the need to push their own preferred aesthetic on the monochromatic piece- as if to imply the ink work is "missing" color.

It's not. The lack of color is the point.

There are people who do that style you are talking about, but if someone doesn't do it, it's an active choice. You're not recommending a novel idea. They've considered it, and rejected it already.


JEWCEY t1_ismskhl wrote

Not sure why this is so downvoted. It's a legit idea.


DoktorThodt t1_ismw1k9 wrote

It's an idea, but it isn't her idea. Let her do her thing. I'm sure if it strikes her in the right way, she'll use it.

Let her do her thing as it works for her.


JEWCEY t1_isoz5pl wrote

As an artist, I appreciate suggestions and thoughts from people appreciating my work, as I appreciate the idea from that poster. Reddit isn't a place to quietly regard, it's a place for unsolicited advice. Here's some for you. Calm down. Everything will be ok.


Mtbnz t1_isnu8ro wrote

Hey I love this piece of deliberately monochromatic art, but what it really needs is some "random" colour


struugi t1_iso1k8l wrote

Because it's not actually constructive, it's just saying "I would prefer if you made the art that I would have made instead of yours". It's entirely an aesthetic choice


JEWCEY t1_it37yjm wrote

Either you're not an artist or you don't understand/easily accept constructive feedback. It's how a real artist grows. It's possible to receive feedback you don't agree with, with grace and style. It's all part of honing your craft.


struugi t1_it6x0ir wrote

With all due respect, I am an artist and I do understand constructive feedback. I value constructive feedback immensely and it has helped me grow so much over the years. But I also believe that constructive feedback should only ever be given when solicited. Even though it can still be valid when unsolicited, it doesn't make it appropriate, and in the case of OP just wanting to share their work, it certainly isn't. It's like telling a coworker that their outfit isn't working for them. That may be valid and helpful, but even if put nicely it's still inappropriate.

That said, the "critique" given wasn't even valid. Like I said, it was an entirely aesthetic critique that wasn't based on anything technical. There's a difference between "The anatomy on the left arm is slightly off" and "I would have used watercolours instead of acrylics": one is based on good technique, and the other is purely preference. And it's generally safe to assume the artist isn't interested in brainstorming ideas with viewers.

Sorry for ranting, but I generally just dislike when people give unsolicited critique when the artist simply wants to share their work. It's just basic artist etiquette.


JEWCEY t1_it7ra7e wrote

Welcome to the internet and get ready to be disappointed.


GreyFoXguy t1_isrjcv6 wrote

Totally mesmerizing to watch…my wife goes what are you watching? Me: …… My wife: ????? Me: It’s so beautiful…. 😂