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[deleted] t1_itej1d0 wrote


redbob333 t1_itek7l2 wrote

It’s less that people are letting cancel culture ruin their enjoyment of things, more that people are reasonably annoyed that someone who made something so beloved by many (and many in the lgbt community), is using her massive platform to actively spread transphobic rhetoric. Cancel culture isn’t real. Do you see jk Rowling and Dave Chappelle actually unable to be successful? They’ve both technically been “cancelled” but they’re still massively successful and have huge platforms. The only real side of cancel culture is the people who are harmed by the rhetoric these people are using their platform to spew.


nsa_reddit_monitor t1_itew2zu wrote

It's not transphobic to say women are women.


LailaDawn t1_itgfay7 wrote

It's a shame that even has to be said. Makeup, hair, nails, etc...all that outward presentation does not change your sex. Period.


Auronblade t1_iteryzs wrote

They still have platforms because only a small portion of people actually give a shit about transphobia. The fact that trans people are a protected species actually gets right under a lot of peoples skin.


cows_revenge t1_itesk0k wrote

The difficulty in my case - and I'm sure a lot of other people as well - is that supporting the series now means giving money to a woman who directly funds causes that I don't support. Causes that hurt innocent people and friends I care about.

Part of me is glad I had the knowledge to make the choice, and part of me is sad that I had to give it up. In the end, I prefer having the knowledge to make my own choice about whether to support her. Even if my own contribution is negligible, the effect of the masses means that we can make a difference in some way.