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Sarahthelizard t1_ithae0g wrote

That entire paragraph is just you saying “no u actually”, where do butch trans women or feminine trans man fit in your argument?

I don’t wear dresses everyday and neither does my partner, and my trans guy friend has worn dresses because he knows he’s a man regardless of presentation.


BlakeSteel t1_itlrdce wrote

You know I was being facetious right? You are taking personality traits and turning them into genders. It's glaringly hypocritical to say gender is fluid, and at the same time say that having gender atypical personality traits makes you the opposite gender. It's all nonsense.

What's the real answer? Men are men, women are women. Men can wear makeup, watch rom-coms, wear dresses, etc. Those are superficial things that are created by culture. I doesn't make you a woman. Some men are tough, some are gentle. They are still men. People are individuals with unique desires and personalities. Stop trying to put people in neat little groups. It's pointless, reductive, and dehumanizing.


Sarahthelizard t1_itltk6b wrote

Good so we both agree that presentation doesn’t matter and it’s a person’s decision to be the gender they wish. Great chat, bestie!